How to use the command 'git magic' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git magic' (with examples)

Git is an essential tool for developers, and managing commits in a repository can sometimes become repetitive and time-consuming. The command git magic, part of the git-extras toolkit, aims to streamline and automate the Git commit process by bundling various operations such as adding files, committing changes, and pushing them to the remote repository. This command can significantly boost productivity by reducing the number of manual steps required to maintain a Git repository.

In the following sections, we’ll explore various use cases of git magic, illustrating how it can be effectively utilized to manage version control tasks.

Use case 1: Commit changes with a generated message


git magic


Imagine you’re working on a project and have made several minor changes that don’t necessarily warrant a detailed commit message. Using the git magic command without any options allows you to quickly commit all staged changes with a machine-generated commit message. This is particularly useful in cases where the focus is on getting the changes committed swiftly rather than detailing each change.


The command git magic automates the commit process. It considers all currently staged changes and commits them to the local repository using an automatically generated commit message. The generated message is typically based on the project’s context and recent changes, saving time and the mental load of writing a descriptive message for every small commit, allowing you to maintain focus on development.

Example output:

Auto commit: 3 files changed
- src/main.js modified
- assets/style.css added
- updated

Use case 2: [a]dd untracked files and commit changes with a generated message


git magic -a


Often, developers create new files and forget to manually add them to the staging area before committing. In scenarios where both tracked and untracked files need to be committed, the -a option becomes invaluable. It automatically adds all untracked files, alongside the existing changes, before committing them.


The -a flag automates the addition of new and untracked files to the staging area. By including this flag, git magic not only commits previously staged files but also automatically stages any untracked files before committing everything together using a generated message. This workflow simplification ensures that no files are accidentally omitted from a commit.

Example output:

Auto commit: 5 files changed
- src/app.js modified
- newFeature.js added
- assets/logo.png added

Use case 3: Commit changes with a custom [m]essage


git magic -m "custom_commit_message"


There are instances when you need to write specific and descriptive commit messages, especially when working in a team. Using the -m option with git magic, you can define a custom commit message that succinctly describes the changes, making it easier for others (or yourself in the future) to understand the purpose of the commit.


The -m option allows you to specify a custom commit message instead of relying on the default, auto-generated one. This is particularly useful when a custom description is necessary for clarity, such as when new features are added, bugs are fixed, or significant changes are made.

Example output:

Commit: custom_commit_message
- update utils functions
- refactor display logic in UI module

Use case 4: [e]dit the commit [m]essage before committing


git magic -em "custom_commit_message"


Even if you specify a custom message, you might decide to amend it before finalizing the commit. This hybrid approach is useful when the initially thought-out message needs refinement or additional context. The -em option lets you review and adjust the commit message to ensure it accurately reflects the changes.


The -e option opens an editor to allow further editing of the specified commit message provided after the -m flag. This feature is useful for those who write their commit messages incrementally or need to add certain details last minute, ensuring a precise and polished message before committing.

Example output:

Opening editor for commit message...
Editing: Save and close when done.
Final Commit Message:
"Improved algorithm in search functions"
- adjusted computation logic
- optimized search performance metrics

Use case 5: Commit changes and [p]ush to remote


git magic -p


Time is precious, and combining commits with pushing to the remote repository can save you some. When you’re certain about the changes and ready to share them with your team or backup your work immediately, using the -p flag with git magic performs a commit and an automatic push in one step.


With the -p flag, git magic not only commits staged changes but also pushes them to the remote repository (typically the ‘origin’ on ‘master’ or the current branch). This all-in-one command reduces the manual processes involved in collaborating over a version control system, streamlining workflow tasks.

Example output:

Commit: Improved search algorithm
Push: Updates successfully pushed to origin/master

Use case 6: Commit changes with a [f]orce [p]ush to remote


git magic -fp


In situations where the branch history needs overwriting—for instance, with conflicts arising from multiple collaborators—a force push might be necessary. While it’s a more dangerous approach, the -fp option commits and force pushes your changes, which is helpful when correcting previous mistakes or syncing local changes despite upstream divergence.


The -f flag in conjunction with -p results in a force push after committing changes. This option should be used cautiously as it overwrites history in the remote repository. Ensuring awareness and consideration before using a force push can help avoid losing valuable data or affecting other collaborators.

Example output:

Commit: Finalize search algorithm enhancements
Force Push: Changes forcefully pushed to origin/feature-branch


The git magic command from git-extras offers a wide array of options to enhance efficiency and streamline the commit process in Git. By automating and combining several repetitive tasks such as adding untracked files, writing and editing commit messages, and pushing to remote repositories, developers can focus more on coding rather than the mechanics of version control. As with any powerful tool, understanding each option’s nuances ensures it is used effectively, maintaining best practices and respect among team collaboration.

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