How to use the command 'git merge-into' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git merge-into' (with examples)

The git merge-into command is part of the git-extras suite of commands, offering an enhanced way to move changes from one Git branch to another. Unlike the traditional git merge, git merge-into simplifies merging operations by specifying both the source and destination branches in a single command. This tool is particularly valuable for developers looking to streamline their workflow in complex branching environments, allowing efficient integration of changes with minimal fuss.

Use case 1: Merging a Source Branch into a Specific Destination Branch


git merge-into source_branch destination_branch


Consider a scenario where you’re working on a feature branch called feature-login. You have completed the feature and need to merge this branch into the main development branch, develop. Instead of switching branches back and forth, git merge-into allows you to merge feature-login into develop directly from any current branch you are on, saving time and reducing context switching.


  • git merge-into: The command initiates the merge process.
  • source_branch: This is the name of the branch you want to merge from. For example, feature-login.
  • destination_branch: This is the target branch into which you want to merge changes. For this use case, it could be the develop branch.

Example Output:

Merging 'feature-login' into 'develop'...
Switched to branch 'develop'
Updating adfe23f..dc3a987
 file1.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Merged 'feature-login' into 'develop' successfully.

Use case 2: Merging Current Branch into a Specific Destination Branch


git merge-into destination_branch


Suppose you are currently working on a bugfix branch bugfix-crash-on-load and you need to quickly incorporate these fixes into the master branch. Using git merge-into, you can merge your current branch into master without needing to manually switch to the master branch, making the entire merge process quicker and less error-prone.


  • git merge-into: This command starts the merging operation.
  • destination_branch: This is the branch you wish to merge the current branch into. For this example, the master branch.

Example Output:

Merging current branch 'bugfix-crash-on-load' into 'master'...
Switched to branch 'master'
Updating abc1234..efg5678
 main.js | 10 +++++++---
 style.css | 5 ++---
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Merged current branch into 'master' successfully.


The git merge-into command, part of the git-extras toolkit, provides a cleaner and faster method to merge branches in Git. Whether merging a specific branch or the current working branch into another, it simplifies the process by combining into one succinct command what would usually take multiple steps. By understanding the syntax and applications of git merge-into, developers can significantly enhance their productivity and manage their codebase more effectively.

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