How to use the command git merge-repo (with examples)

How to use the command git merge-repo (with examples)

Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to track changes and collaborate on projects. One useful command in Git is git merge-repo. This command is part of the git-extras package and enables users to merge two repository histories. In this article, we will explore two different use cases for the git merge-repo command along with their respective examples and outputs.

Use case 1: Merging a repository’s branch into the current repository’s directory


git merge-repo path/to/repo branch_name path/to/directory


Merging a repository’s branch into the current repository’s directory can be helpful in situations where you want to combine code from two different repositories. This use case is particularly useful when you are working on a project that relies on multiple repositories or when you want to incorporate a specific feature from another repository into your own project.


  • path/to/repo: This argument specifies the path to the repository that you want to merge.
  • branch_name: Specifies the name of the branch in the repository that you want to merge.
  • path/to/directory: Specifies the path to the directory in the current repository where you want to merge the branch.

Example output:

Merging branch 'branch_name' into directory 'path/to/directory'...
Merge successful. Changes from the branch 'branch_name' have been merged into the specified directory.

Use case 2: Merging a remote repository’s branch into the current repository’s directory (without preserving history)


git merge-repo path/to/remote_repo branch_name .


Merging a remote repository’s branch into the current repository’s directory can be useful when you want to incorporate changes from a remote repository into your project. This use case is particularly handy when you don’t need to preserve the commit history of the remote repository and only want to merge the latest changes into your current project.


  • path/to/remote_repo: Specifies the path to the remote repository that you want to merge.
  • branch_name: Specifies the name of the branch in the remote repository that you want to merge.
  • .: Represents the current working directory, which is the location where you want to merge the branch from the remote repository.

Example output:

Merging branch 'branch_name' from remote repository 'path/to/remote_repo'...
Merge successful. The latest changes from the branch 'branch_name' have been merged into the current working directory.


The git merge-repo command is a powerful tool for merging repository histories in Git. With the two use cases presented in this article, developers can merge branches from different repositories into their current projects, either preserving or disregarding the commit history. By understanding how to use git merge-repo effectively, developers can collaborate across projects and integrate changes seamlessly.

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