Git mv Command (with examples)

Git mv Command (with examples)

In Git, the git mv command is used to move or rename files or directories within a repository and update the Git index. This command is a convenient way to perform both a file or directory move and update the index in one step.

Move a file inside the repo and add the movement to the next commit

The git mv command allows us to move a file from one location to another within the repository and add the movement to the next commit. Here is an example of how to use this command:

git mv path/to/file new/path/to/file

Motivation: The git mv command makes it easier to track file movements in a repository’s history. By using this command, Git will automatically recognize the file move and update the respective commit history.

Explanation: The command git mv is followed by the path of the file to be moved (path/to/file) and the destination path where the file should be moved (new/path/to/file). This command updates the file’s path in both the working directory and the Git index.

Example Output: Let’s assume we have a file named example.txt located at docs/old/example.txt in our repository. By running the command git mv docs/old/example.txt docs/new/example.txt, the file will be moved to the new location docs/new/example.txt and the move will be staged for the next commit.

Rename a file or directory and add the renaming to the next commit

The git mv command not only allows us to move files, but also to rename them within the repository. Here is an example of how to use the git mv command to rename a file or directory:

git mv path/to/file_or_directory path/to/destination

Motivation: Renaming files or directories is a common task during software development. The git mv command simplifies the process of both renaming a file and updating the Git index in one step.

Explanation: Similar to the previous use case, the git mv command is used to rename a file or directory. The first argument contains the path of the file or directory to be renamed (path/to/file_or_directory), and the second argument specifies the new name or destination path (path/to/destination).

Example Output: Suppose we have a file named oldfile.txt located at docs/oldfile.txt in our repository. By running the command git mv docs/oldfile.txt docs/newfile.txt, the file will be renamed to newfile.txt within the same directory, and the renaming will be staged for the next commit.

Overwrite the file or directory in the target path if it exists

Sometimes, it may be necessary to overwrite a file or directory in the target path if it already exists. The git mv command provides a --force option to achieve this:

git mv --force path/to/file_or_directory path/to/destination

Motivation: Overwriting files or directories can be useful when updating or replacing existing resources in a repository. The --force option with git mv allows us to perform such overwrites when necessary.

Explanation: By adding the --force option to the git mv command, Git will overwrite the file or directory at the destination path if it already exists. This can be helpful when updating files or replacing entire directories.

Example Output: If we have a file named newfile.txt located at docs/newfile.txt and wish to overwrite it with another file named replacement.txt located at resources/replacement.txt, we can run the command git mv --force resources/replacement.txt docs/newfile.txt. This will replace newfile.txt with replacement.txt and stage the overwrite for the next commit.


In this article, we have explored the various use cases of the git mv command with code examples. We have seen how to move files within a repository, rename files or directories, and overwrite existing files or directories. Utilizing these examples, you can apply the git mv command effectively in your own Git workflows.

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