How to use the command "git-reauthor" (with examples)

How to use the command "git-reauthor" (with examples)


git reauthor --old-email --correct-email --correct-name "name"


In some instances, an author may need to update their email and name across the entire Git repository. This could be due to a change in email address or a desire to maintain consistency with other contributions. By using the git reauthor command with the specified arguments, it becomes possible to update the author’s email and name for all commits.


  • --old-email: Specify the old email address that needs to be changed.
  • --correct-email: Provide the new email address to replace the old one.
  • --correct-name: Specify the new name for the author.

Example Output:

Author updated successfully.

Change the email and name to the ones defined in the Git config:


git reauthor --old-email --use-config


When updating author information, it may be desirable to use the email and name defined in the Git configuration rather than manually specifying them. This ensures consistency with other contributors and makes it easier to manage author information in a centralized location.


  • --old-email: Specify the old email address that needs to be changed.
  • --use-config: Use the email and name defined in the Git configuration.

Example Output:

Author updated successfully.

Change the email and name of all commits, regardless of their original author:


git reauthor --all --correct-email --correct-name name


There may be cases where it is necessary to update the email and name for all commits in a repository, regardless of the original author. This could be done to anonymize contributions or correct mistakes in previous author information. Using the git reauthor command with the --all flag allows for this broad modification.


  • --all: Update the author information for all commits in the repository.
  • --correct-email: Specify the email address to be used for all commits.
  • --correct-name: Specify the name to be used for all commits.

Example Output:

Author updated successfully.

By providing code examples and detailed explanations for each use case, readers can better understand how to utilize the git reauthor command in various scenarios. This article provides the necessary information to update author information across a Git repository, ensuring accuracy and consistency in commit history.

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