How to use the command 'git repl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git repl' (with examples)

The git repl command is a powerful utility that offers an interactive Git shell environment. It belongs to the suite of commands provided by git-extras, an extension to Git that includes various additional tools and functionalities. The primary purpose of this command is to facilitate a seamless workflow by allowing users to execute Git commands in an interactive session. This eliminates the overhead of repeatedly typing git and can accelerate development processes, especially when working with a series of Git commands.

Use case 1: Start an interactive Git shell


git repl

Motivation: The main motivation behind starting an interactive Git shell is to streamline your workflow when working with Git commands. By initiating a Git shell session, you can execute multiple Git commands without the need to prefix them with git each time. This is particularly useful during prolonged Git operations or when you need to experiment with commands in a more dynamic environment.

Explanation: The command git repl does not take additional arguments. Here git is the version control system command, while repl stands for Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. This command initializes the interactive Git shell by reading input commands, evaluating them, printing the results, and looping this process continuously until the session is exited.

Example output:

Interactive Git shell
Type "help" for commands, "exit" to quit.
git >

This output indicates that the interactive session is active and ready to accept commands.

Use case 2: Run a Git command while in the interactive Git shell


git status

Motivation: Within the interactive shell, you may want to quickly check the status of your git repository to see which files are staged, unstaged, or untracked. Running a command like git status allows you to immediately gain insight into your repository’s current state, aiding in efficient version control management.

Explanation: In the shell, you simply type the desired Git subcommand, in this case, status. This subcommand displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It provides useful information about what changes have been recorded to the repository and which haven’t.

Example output:

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

This output gives a summary of the current branch, changes staged for the next commit, and untracked files.

Use case 3: Run an external (non-Git) command while in the interactive Git shell



Motivation: Sometimes, even when focused on git operations, there might be a need to run standard shell commands, such as directory listing (ls in UNIX-based systems). The interactive Git shell allows executing non-Git commands by prefixing them with an exclamation mark !.

Explanation: The ! preceding a command signifies that the command to follow is not a Git command but rather an ordinary shell command. In this case, ls is used to list files and directories present in the current working directory.

Example output:

This output indicates all files and directories in your current working location.

Use case 4: Exit the interactive Git shell (or press Ctrl + D)



Motivation: At the end of your workflow or once you’ve finished using the interactive Git shell, it becomes necessary to exit the session. This can clean up your workspace and conclude the interactive commands, returning you to the regular command-line interface.

Explanation: Typing exit directly instructs the interactive Git shell to terminate the session. It is a straightforward command with no additional arguments required. Alternatively, pressing Ctrl + D sends an end-of-file (EOF) signal which also terminates the session.

Example output:


No explicit output is presented, but the user is returned to the standard system shell prompt, indicating the termination of the interactive shell session.


The git repl command is a versatile tool within the git-extras suite, providing a conducive environment for rapid and iterative Git command execution. By understanding various use cases, from initiating the shell to executing Git and non-Git commands, users can vastly improve their efficiency in manipulating Git repositories. This simplification in command syntax greatly enhances productivity, making git repl a valuable asset for developers.

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