Git Reset (with examples)

Git Reset (with examples)

Use Case 1: Undo commits or unstage changes


git reset


One common use case for git reset is to undo commits or unstage changes. This is useful when you need to revert a commit or remove files from the staging area before committing.


When git reset is used without any arguments, it unstages all changes, effectively undoing the last git add operation. It moves the current branch pointer (HEAD) back to the previous commit while keeping the changes in the working directory.

Example Output:

Unstaged changes after reset:
M  path/to/file1
M  path/to/file2

Use Case 2: Unstage specific file(s)


git reset path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...


In some cases, you may want to unstage specific files instead of all changes. This can be useful when you have made changes to multiple files but only want to unstage a subset of them.


By providing the path to specific files as arguments to git reset, you can unstage those files only. The changes in the specified files are removed from the staging area, but the changes in other files remain staged.

Example Output:

Unstaged changes after reset:
M  path/to/file1

Use Case 3: Interactively unstage portions of a file


git reset --patch path/to/file


Sometimes, you may want to unstage only certain portions of a file while keeping the rest staged. This can be useful when you have made changes to different parts of a file and want to separate the changes into separate commits.


The --patch option allows you to interactively select portions of a file to unstage. Git will present you with a chunk of changes and prompt for input. You can choose to unstage, stage or split individual lines or chunks of changes.

Example Output:

Staged changes:
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
   // some code here
   // more code here
 - removed code line 1
 - removed code line 2
 + added code line 1
 + added code line 2
@@ Continue? [y/n/e/s/?] 

Use Case 4: Undo the last commit, keeping its changes


git reset HEAD~


Occasionally, you may commit changes by mistake or realize that your last commit needs further modifications before being included in the repository’s history. In such cases, undoing the commit while keeping the changes in the working directory can be helpful.


Using HEAD~ as an argument to git reset allows you to undo the last commit while preserving the changes in the working directory. This moves the branch pointer back one commit and stages the changes from the undone commit.

Example Output:

Unstaged changes after reset:
M  path/to/file1
M  path/to/file2

Use Case 5: Undo the last two commits, adding changes to the index


git reset --soft HEAD~2


Sometimes, you may want to remove the last few commits from the repository’s history but keep their changes staged for a new commit. This can be useful when you want to combine multiple small commits into one or when you made a mistake in the last few commits.


Using the --soft option with HEAD~2 as an argument to git reset allows you to undo the last two commits while keeping their changes staged. This moves the branch pointer back two commits and stages the changes from the undone commits.

Example Output:

Staged changes after reset:
M  path/to/file1
M  path/to/file2

Use Case 6: Discard any uncommitted changes


git reset --hard


At times, you may have made changes to your working directory but want to discard all those changes, whether they are staged or not. This can be useful when you want a clean working directory without any modifications.


Using the --hard option with git reset discards all uncommitted changes, whether they are staged or not. The working directory will be completely reverted to the state of the previous commit, and any changes will be permanently lost.

Example Output:

HEAD is now at <commit hash>

Use Case 7: Reset the repository to a given commit


git reset --hard commit


In certain scenarios, you may want to completely revert your repository to a specific commit, discarding all subsequent commits, staged changes, and uncommitted modifications. This can be useful when you need to start over from a specific point in your project’s history.


By providing the commit hash (or branch name) as an argument to git reset --hard, you can reset the repository to that specific commit. All commits, staged changes, and uncommitted modifications after the specified commit will be removed.

Example Output:

HEAD is now at <commit hash>

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