How to use the command git rev-list (with examples)

How to use the command git rev-list (with examples)

Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to track and manage changes to their code. The git rev-list command is used to list revisions (commits) in reverse chronological order. It provides various options to filter the list of commits based on different criteria such as branch, date, file, and tags. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the git rev-list command along with examples.

Use case 1: List all commits on the current branch


git rev-list HEAD

Motivation: When working on a project, it is often necessary to see a full list of commits made on the current branch. This can help in understanding the history of changes and tracking down specific commits if needed.


  • git rev-list: The command to list revisions.
  • HEAD: Refers to the current commit on the current branch. It represents the tip of the branch.

Example output:

commit 82e228a6bd678862fdf8e5720fc112967491c640
commit d948af91f3b98458f84e3afaf90e8fce131d4521
commit 0646d8c1027e1f61e66ec780edaaea593e69e89a
commit a26dd579e8e8000db945f9e29cdf30665dfe66b8

Use case 2: Print the latest commit that changed a specific file on the current branch


git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- path/to/file

Motivation: When working on a large codebase, it may be helpful to find the latest commit that modified a specific file. This command allows us to quickly retrieve that information.


  • -n 1: Limits the output to only one commit.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file for which we want to find the latest commit.

Example output:

commit 82e228a6bd678862fdf8e5720fc112967491c640

Use case 3: List commits more recent than a specific date, on a specific branch


git rev-list --since='2019-12-01 00:00:00' branch_name

Motivation: Sometimes, we may need to find all the commits that were made after a particular date on a specific branch. This can be useful for tracking recent changes or finding commits within a specific time frame.


  • --since='2019-12-01 00:00:00': Specifies the starting date from which we want to include commits.
  • branch_name: Specifies the name of the branch from which we want to list the commits.

Example output:

commit 64f6f8b3c7d281fc54786d53c2ebd530f8413daa
commit 82e228a6bd678862fdf8e5720fc112967491c640
commit d948af91f3b98458f84e3afaf90e8fce131d4521

Use case 4: List all merge commits on a specific commit


git rev-list --merges commit

Motivation: During a code review or when analyzing the commit history, it can be useful to identify all the merge commits that have been made on a specific commit. This can provide insights into the code integration process and the branches involved.


  • --merges: Specifies that we are interested in merge commits.
  • commit: Specifies the commit from which we want to list the merge commits.

Example output:

commit ea9139cf7da2df01fd81f4b4f399c2338a78b776
commit 1e0235839928767b83dbfa448c57baf7d9d56159

Use case 5: Print the number of commits since a specific tag


git rev-list tag_name..HEAD --count

Motivation: In a release or deployment process, it can be helpful to determine the number of commits made since a specific tag. This information can be used to track the progress of development or measure the extent of changes made.


  • tag_name..HEAD: Specifies the range of commits between the tag and the current commit.
  • --count: Prints the total count of commits in the specified range.

Example output:



The git rev-list command in Git provides a powerful way to list revisions in reverse chronological order. It can be used to filter commits based on different criteria such as branch, date, file, and tags. By understanding and utilizing the various options of this command, developers can gain insights into their code history and track changes more effectively.

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