Using "git scp" Command to Copy Files to a Remote Repository (with examples)

Using "git scp" Command to Copy Files to a Remote Repository (with examples)

1: Copy Unstaged Files to a Specific Remote


git scp remote_name


This command is useful when you want to copy the unstaged files from your current working tree to a specific remote repository. It allows you to easily synchronize your local changes with the remote repository without needing to stage the files.


  • remote_name: Specifies the name of the remote repository. This can be the name of a previously configured remote repository in your Git configuration.

Example Output:

When running git scp remote_name, Git will perform an rsync transfer of all the unstaged files in your current working tree to the working directory of the specified remote repository. The output will display the progress of the file transfer.

2: Copy Staged and Unstaged Files to a Remote


git scp remote_name HEAD


This command is useful when you want to copy both the staged and unstaged files from your current working tree to a remote repository. It allows you to include the changes that you have already staged in the transfer.


  • remote_name: Specifies the name of the remote repository.
  • HEAD: Refers to the latest commit on the current branch. This includes all the changes that have been staged.

Example Output:

When running git scp remote_name HEAD, Git will perform an rsync transfer of all the staged and unstaged files in your current working tree to the working directory of the specified remote repository. The output will display the progress of the file transfer.

3: Copy Files Changed in the Last Commit and Any Staged or Unstaged Files to a Remote


git scp remote_name HEAD~1


This command is useful when you want to copy only the files that have been changed in the last commit, as well as any staged or unstaged files, to a remote repository. It allows you to selectively transfer the relevant files without having to manually identify them.


  • remote_name: Specifies the name of the remote repository.
  • HEAD~1: Refers to the commit before the latest commit. This includes the files that were changed in the last commit.

Example Output:

When running git scp remote_name HEAD~1, Git will perform an rsync transfer of the files that were changed in the last commit, as well as any staged or unstaged files, to the working directory of the specified remote repository. The output will display the progress of the file transfer.

4: Copy Specific Files to a Remote


git scp remote_name path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...


This command is useful when you only want to copy specific files from your current working tree to a remote repository. It allows you to transfer only the files that are relevant to your needs.


  • remote_name: Specifies the name of the remote repository.
  • path/to/file1, path/to/file2, …: Specifies the paths to the specific files that you want to copy. You can provide multiple file paths.

Example Output:

When running git scp remote_name path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ..., Git will perform an rsync transfer of the specified files from your current working tree to the working directory of the specified remote repository. The output will display the progress of the file transfer.

5: Copy a Specific Directory to a Remote


git scp remote_name path/to/directory


This command is useful when you want to copy a specific directory from your current working tree to a remote repository. It allows you to transfer the entire directory along with its contents.


  • remote_name: Specifies the name of the remote repository.
  • path/to/directory: Specifies the path to the specific directory that you want to copy.

Example Output:

When running git scp remote_name path/to/directory, Git will perform an rsync transfer of the specified directory from your current working tree to the working directory of the specified remote repository. The output will display the progress of the file transfer.

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