Understanding Git Branches with `git show-branch` (with examples)

Understanding Git Branches with `git show-branch` (with examples)

Git is a powerful version control system that allows development teams to work on projects simultaneously, without overwriting each other’s changes. One of the key features of Git is its ability to manage branches, which allows for parallel development on different features or bug fixes. However, keeping track of multiple branches and their commits can sometimes be challenging. That’s where the git show-branch command comes to the rescue!

Show a summary of the latest commit on a branch

The git show-branch command can be used to display a summary of the latest commit on a particular branch. This is helpful when you want to quickly view the most recent changes made to a specific branch.

git show-branch <branch_name|ref|commit>
  • <branch_name|ref|commit>: The name of the branch, reference (e.g., tag name), or commit ID to display the latest commit information for.

Motivation: It is often useful to quickly check the latest commit on a branch to understand the changes made before merging or integrating them into another branch. This can help avoid potential conflicts or ensure the latest changes are included.

Example: Let’s say you are working on a feature branch called feature/login and want to see the latest commit information before merging it into the master branch. You can use the following command:

git show-branch feature/login


[feature/login] Latest commit message

Compare commits in the history of multiple commits or branches

git show-branch can also be used to compare commits in the history of multiple branches or commits. This is useful when you want to visualize the relationship and differences between branches or specific commits.

git show-branch <branch_name|ref|commit>
  • <branch_name|ref|commit>: The name of the branch, reference (e.g., tag name), or commit ID to compare commits with.

Motivation: When working on a project with multiple branches or commits, it becomes important to understand the differences and similarities between them. The ability to compare commits using git show-branch helps in identifying conflicts, merging strategies, and keeping track of the overall project progress.

Example: Suppose you have two branches, featureA and featureB, and want to compare their commit histories. You can use the following command:

git show-branch featureA featureB


* [featureA] Commit message 1
! [featureB] Commit message 2
*+ [featureA] Commit message 3

Compare all remote tracking branches

Often, development teams work on different branches simultaneously, each with their own remote tracking branches. The git show-branch --remotes command allows you to compare all these remote tracking branches easily.

git show-branch --remotes

Motivation: When you are collaborating with other developers or working in a distributed team, there are usually multiple remote branches involved. Comparing these branches can help in understanding the work progress and identify potential conflicts before merging changes.

Example: Let’s say you want to compare all the remote tracking branches in your project. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --remotes


* [remotes/origin/featureA] Commit message 1
* [remotes/origin/featureB] Commit message 2

Compare both local and remote tracking branches

In addition to comparing remote tracking branches, git show-branch can also show a comparison between local branches and their remote tracking counterparts. This is useful for understanding how local branches differ from their upstream remote branches.

git show-branch --all

Motivation: When working on a project, it is important to keep local branches in sync with their corresponding remote tracking branches. By comparing local and remote branches using git show-branch --all, developers can quickly identify any discrepancies and take appropriate actions, such as pulling or pushing changes.

Example: Suppose you have two local branches, featureA and origin/featureA, and you want to compare them to see if any changes need to be synced. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --all


* [featureA] Commit message 1
! [origin/featureA] Commit message 2

List the latest commits in all branches

The git show-branch --all --list command provides a concise list of the latest commits across all branches in your Git repository. This can be helpful in getting a high-level overview of the recent changes made in different branches.

git show-branch --all --list

Motivation: A project often has multiple branches, each with its own set of commits. By listing the latest commits in all branches, developers can quickly identify the recent activity and understand the project’s progress.

Example: Let’s say you have several branches in your project, and you want to see the latest commits in each branch. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --all --list


[featureA] Commit message 1
[featureB] Commit message 2
[featureC] Commit message 3

Compare a given branch with the current branch

Sometimes, it’s necessary to compare the changes made in a given branch with the current branch you are working on. The git show-branch --current <commit|branch_name|ref> command enables this comparison.

git show-branch --current <commit|branch_name|ref>
  • <commit|branch_name|ref>: The commit ID, branch name, or reference to compare with the current branch.

Motivation: When working on a project, it is crucial to ensure that changes made in a specific branch do not conflict with the current work. By comparing a given branch with the current one, developers can identify any potential conflicts and resolve them before integrating the changes.

Example: Suppose you are currently on the develop branch and want to compare it with the feature/new-feature branch. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --current feature/new-feature


[develop] Commit message 1
! [feature/new-feature] Commit message 2

Display the commit name instead of the relative name

By default, git show-branch displays branch names relative to the current branch. However, there may be cases where you want to display the full commit name instead. The git show-branch --sha1-name --current <current|branch_name|ref> command achieves this.

git show-branch --sha1-name --current <current|branch_name|ref>
  • --sha1-name: Displays the full commit name instead of relative branch names.

Motivation: In some scenarios, it becomes important to have a complete and unambiguous identification of commits. This can be useful for cross-referencing, documenting, or providing clear references to code changes.

Example: Let’s say you want to display the full commit names rather than the relative branch names for the current branch. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --sha1-name --current develop


[c3f40e4e1] Commit message 1
[c063e41c7] Commit message 2

Keep going a given number of commits past the common ancestor

In situations where you want to analyze the commits beyond the common ancestor between branches, the git show-branch --more <n> <commit|branch_name|ref> <commit|branch_name|ref> ... command allows you to specify the number of additional commits to show.

git show-branch --more <n> <commit|branch_name|ref> <commit|branch_name|ref> ...
  • <n>: The number of additional commits to show beyond the common ancestor.
  • <commit|branch_name|ref>: The commit ID, branch name, or reference to include in the comparison.

Motivation: When branches have diverged significantly, it can be helpful to explore commit history beyond the common ancestor. This allows for a deeper understanding of the changes that have occurred on each branch and helps in identifying merge conflicts or integration issues.

Example: Suppose you have two branches, featureA and featureB, that have diverged significantly, and you want to analyze the past five commits beyond their common ancestor. You can use the following command:

git show-branch --more 5 featureA featureB


* [featureA] Commit message 1
* [featureA] Commit message 2
* [featureB] Commit message 3
* [featureB] Commit message 4
* [featureA] Commit message 5

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