How to use the command 'git show-merged-branches' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git show-merged-branches' (with examples)

The git show-merged-branches command is a handy utility provided by the git-extras suite. This command helps developers by listing all branches that have been successfully merged into the current branch, or head, you are on. This is particularly useful when managing multiple branches in a git repository as it allows for easy identification of branches that are no longer needed and can be safely deleted. By keeping your repository clean, you streamline the development process and avoid cluttering the branch list, which can be overwhelming in large projects.

Use case: Print all branches which are merged into the current head


git show-merged-branches


In any evolving project, multiple branches might exist concurrently, as developers work on different features, bug fixes, or experiments. Over time, many of these branches get merged into the main development line, often the ‘main’ or ‘master’ branch. The ongoing issue for developers and team leads is efficiently managing these branches post-merge. A thoughtfully managed workflow involves cleaning up the branches that have already been merged, thus avoiding confusion and preventing the repository from becoming cluttered. The git show-merged-branches command serves this exact purpose by listing all branches that are no longer active and have been fully integrated into the current branch.


  • git show-merged-branches: This command is designed to provide a list of branches that have been merged into the branch currently being utilized (i.e., HEAD). There are no additional command line arguments required. When executed, it does the intricate job of tracking merged branches and presenting them to the user, so decisions regarding branch cleanup can be made more efficiently.

Example Output:

Assume you are currently on the main branch, and you execute the command. The output will look something like:


This output makes it clear that the branches feature/login, feature/signup, and bugfix/typo-fixes have already been merged into main. Consequently, they can be safely deleted if desired, as their changes are already incorporated into the current branch’s timeline.


The git show-merged-branches command is a minimalist but powerful tool that optimizes branch management in git repositories. By providing developers with a clear view of which branches have been fully integrated into the current branch, it aids in maintaining a clean and tidy repository. This is particularly beneficial in collaborative environments where branch clutter can grow quickly, leading to confusion and potential merge conflicts if not managed properly. Utilizing this command encourages good repository hygiene, ultimately contributing to more efficient and effective source control practices.

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