How to use the command 'git standup' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git standup' (with examples)

Git standup is a command that allows users to see commits from a specified user or all contributors within a specified time frame. This command is part of git-extras and provides a convenient way to gather information about commits within a project.

Use case 1: Show a given author’s commits from the last 10 days


git standup -a name|email -d 10

Motivation: In a large project with multiple contributors, it can be useful to see the commits made by a specific author in the last few days. This can help to track their progress and understand their contributions.


  • -a name|email specifies the author’s name or email. This argument is used to specify the user whose commits will be displayed.
  • -d 10 sets the number of days to consider. In this case, it is set to 10 to show commits from the last 10 days.

Example output:

Author: John Doe <>
Commit: 123456
Message: Updated documentation
Date: 2021-08-01

Author: John Doe <>
Commit: 654321
Message: Fixed bug in login functionality
Date: 2021-08-02

Use case 2: Show a given author’s commits from the last 10 days and whether they are GPG signed


git standup -a {[name|email}} -d {{10}} -g

Motivation: For projects that require GPG signed commits, it can be important to verify the authenticity of commits from specific authors. This use case allows users to see the commits made by a given author in the last few days and check if they are GPG signed.


  • -a name|email specifies the author’s name or email.
  • -d 10 sets the number of days to consider.
  • -g enables the GPG signed check, which adds information about whether the commits are GPG signed.

Example output:

Author: John Doe <>
Commit: 123456
Message: Updated documentation
Date: 2021-08-01
Signed: Yes

Author: John Doe <>
Commit: 654321
Message: Fixed bug in login functionality
Date: 2021-08-02
Signed: No

Use case 3: Show all the commits from all contributors for the last 10 days


git standup -a all -d {{10}}

Motivation: This use case is useful to get an overview of all the contributions made by all contributors within a specified time frame. It helps to understand the recent activity in a project and identify potential collaborations.


  • -a all includes all contributors instead of specifying a specific author.
  • -d 10 sets the number of days to consider.

Example output:

Author: John Doe <>
Commit: 123456
Message: Updated documentation
Date: 2021-08-01

Author: Jane Smith <>
Commit: 654321
Message: Fixed bug in login functionality
Date: 2021-08-02

Use case 4: Display help


git standup -h

Motivation: When using a new command or wanting to refresh the memory on available options, displaying help provides a quick reference to the command’s usage and available arguments.


  • -h is the help option, which displays the usage information and available arguments for the git standup command.

Example output:

    git standup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -g, --gpg-signed 
            Show whether the commits are GPG signed.

    -h, --help      
            Prints help information

    -a, --author <name|email> 
            Show commits from a specified author.

    -d, --days <days>        
            Number of days to consider.

    -V, --version            
            Prints version information


The git standup command provides a convenient way to view commits from specific authors or all contributors within a specified time frame. With its various options, users can gather insights into recent project activities and collaborations. Whether reviewing an individual’s commits, checking for GPG signed commits, or getting an overview of all contributors, the git standup command offers flexibility and convenience in analyzing commit history.

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