How to use the command 'git symbolic-ref' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git symbolic-ref' (with examples)

The ‘git symbolic-ref’ command is a powerful tool in Git that allows users to read, change, or delete files that store references. This command is useful for managing and manipulating Git references, such as branches and tags. By using ‘git symbolic-ref’, users can store, read, and delete references by name, and even include a message explaining the reason for the update. Additionally, this command has options to hide errors, simplify output, and is script-friendly.

Use case 1: Store a reference by a name


git symbolic-ref refs/name ref

Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to store a reference by a specific name. This can be useful when creating a new branch or tag and associating it with a meaningful name that is easy to remember and reference.


  • ‘git symbolic-ref’: The command to read, change, or delete files that store references.
  • ‘refs/name’: The name of the reference that will be stored.
  • ‘ref’: The reference that will be stored under the given name.

Example output:

(no output)

Use case 2: Store a reference by name, including a message with a reason for the update


git symbolic-ref -m "message" refs/name refs/heads/branch_name

Motivation: When updating a reference, it can be helpful to include a message explaining the reason for the update. This can provide context for future users and provide a clear record of why the update occurred. Storing a reference with a message can create a more informative Git history.


  • ‘-m “message”’: Specifies the message to include with the reference update.
  • ‘refs/name’: The name of the reference that will be stored.
  • ‘refs/heads/branch_name’: The reference that will be stored under the given name.

Example output:

(no output)

Use case 3: Read a reference by name


git symbolic-ref refs/name

Motivation: Having the ability to read references by name allows users to quickly retrieve information about specific references. By using ‘git symbolic-ref’ to read a reference, users can obtain the full reference path and easily access related information about branches or tags.


  • ‘git symbolic-ref’: The command to read, change, or delete files that store references.
  • ‘refs/name’: The name of the reference that will be read.

Example output:


Use case 4: Delete a reference by name


git symbolic-ref --delete refs/name

Motivation: Deleting references is necessary to manage Git repositories and avoid clutter. Whether it’s getting rid of old branches or removing unnecessary tags, the ability to delete references by name can help keep the repository clean and organized.


  • ‘git symbolic-ref’: The command to read, change, or delete files that store references.
  • ‘–delete’: Specifies that the reference should be deleted.
  • ‘refs/name’: The name of the reference that will be deleted.

Example output:

(no output)

Use case 5: For scripting, hide errors with ‘–quiet’ and use ‘–short’ to simplify


git symbolic-ref --quiet --short refs/name

Motivation: When working with scripts or automating git processes, it is often desirable to handle errors quietly and simplify the output for easier parsing. The ‘–quiet’ option hides any errors that may occur, while the ‘–short’ option simplifies the output by removing the “refs/heads/” prefix and displaying the reference name alone.


  • ‘git symbolic-ref’: The command to read, change, or delete files that store references.
  • ‘–quiet’: Hides any errors that may occur during the command execution.
  • ‘–short’: Removes the “refs/heads/” prefix and simplifies the output.

Example output:



The ‘git symbolic-ref’ command is a versatile tool that provides several use cases for managing and manipulating Git references. Whether it’s storing references by name, reading or deleting references, or using options for scripting, ‘git symbolic-ref’ offers the flexibility and power needed to work with references effectively. By understanding how to use this command, users can navigate and control their Git repositories more efficiently.

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