How to Use the Command 'git touch' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'git touch' (with Examples)

The git touch command is part of the git-extras suite of commands, which extends the basic capabilities of Git by providing extra utilities to make Git usage easier and more efficient. The git touch command, in particular, simplifies the process of creating new files and immediately adding them to the Git index (also known as staging). This capability can save time and reduce the chances of forgetting to stage files before committing them, streamlining the workflow for developers who frequently create new files as part of their version-controlled project work.

Create New Files and Add Them to the Index


git touch path/to/file1 path/to/file2


When working on a large project, developers often need to create multiple new files and remember to add them to the Git index so they can be included in the next commit. This process can be repetitive and error-prone if done manually with separate commands; first using touch to create files and then git add to stage them. The git touch command simplifies this task by combining these steps into a single command. By doing so, it reduces keyboard input and minimizes the chance of forgetting to add new files before committing, thus maintaining a cleaner and more reliable project history.


  • git touch: This is the primary command being discussed, which combines the functionality of creating files and adding them to the Git index in one go.

  • path/to/file1 path/to/file2: These are the arguments given to the git touch command. Each argument represents a file path where a new file is to be created. The command allows for multiple paths to be specified, enabling batch file creation and staging. If you specify a directory, any non-existent directories in the path will not be automatically created, so ensure your path is valid or pre-existing.

Example Output:

Upon execution, you will not see direct console output from the command unless an error occurs. However, checking the Git status or logs will show that file1 and file2 have been created and added to the index:

$ git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
  new file:   path/to/file1
  new file:   path/to/file2


The git touch command, part of the git-extras suite, is a powerful and efficient tool for developers working in a Git environment. It simplifies the process of creating new files and ensuring they are staged for the next commit, reducing the number of commands needed and minimizing the risk of oversight. This command can significantly streamline workflows for teams and solo developers alike, especially when working on projects that require frequent creation of new files. By using git touch, developers can ensure that their version control practices remain both efficient and accurate.

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