How to use the command `git undo` (with examples)

How to use the command `git undo` (with examples)

This command allows you to undo recent commits in Git. It is part of git-extras and provides a convenient way to remove commits from the commit history.

Use case 1: Remove the most recent commit


git undo

Motivation: Sometimes you might realize that your most recent commit was a mistake or needs to be reworked. In such cases, using git undo can save you a lot of time and effort compared to manually reverting changes.

Explanation: The command git undo without any arguments removes the most recent commit from the Git history. It effectively undoes the last set of changes that were committed.

Example output:

[branch-name] Commit message (your previous commit)

Use case 2: Remove a specific number of the most recent commits


git undo 3

Motivation: There may be instances when you need to remove multiple recent commits. This can be useful, for example, if you want to discard local changes that haven’t been pushed yet. git undo allows you to specify how many commits should be undone.

Explanation: Adding a number as an argument to git undo (e.g., 3) removes the specified number of most recent commits from the Git history. This command removes the commits in reverse order, starting from the most recent commit.

Example output:

[branch-name] Commit message (commit removed)
[branch-name] Commit message (commit removed)
[branch-name] Commit message (commit removed)
[branch-name] Commit message (your previous commit)


The git undo command is a convenient way to remove recent commits in Git. It provides flexibility, allowing you to undo the most recent commit or a specific number of recent commits. This command can be helpful in scenarios where you need to fix mistakes or discard unwanted changes in your commit history.

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