How to use the command 'git undo' (with examples)

How to use the command 'git undo' (with examples)

The git undo command is a handy feature from the git-extras toolkit, designed to help developers easily remove recent commits from their Git repository history. This command is particularly useful when you’ve made an accidental commit, included incorrect files, or need to amend your recent work. By leveraging git undo, users can streamline their workflow by quickly undoing commits without going through multiple Git commands or complex processes.

Use case 1: Remove the most recent commit


git undo


Imagine you accidentally committed incorrect code to your Git repository. Your last commit introduced changes that were not ready for inclusion, causing issues in build or functionality. To quickly revert this mistake, git undo offers a straightforward solution by removing the last commit efficiently. This avoids the hassle of manually rebasing or resetting your repository.


  • git undo: This command, used without any additional arguments, targets and removes the most recent commit made to your current branch. It is important to note that it only affects the last commit, leaving the rest of your repository history intact. The simplicity of the command makes it a quick fix for unintended commit issues.

Example output:

Upon executing git undo, you might see a message similar to the following, confirming the removal of the last commit:

[master 239b5d2] Undo commit
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

This output indicates the commit action has been reversed, along with a summary of the impact on your codebase.

Use case 2: Remove a specific number of the most recent commits


git undo 3


There are scenarios where you might need to eliminate several recent commits. For example, suppose you realize that the last three commits contain a rolling set of changes that introduced bugs or extraneous features. Instead of reverting the amendments one by one, git undo with an accompanying argument quickly rolls back the desired number of recent commits, helping maintain project stability and facilitating a rapid course correction.


  • git undo 3: In this command, the number 3 denotes the count of commits you wish to remove from the current branch. By specifying the number of commits, git undo removes each of these from the most recent backwards, effectively rewinding your repository’s state by the specified number of commits. This offers an efficient way to handle multiple unwanted changes in succession.

Example output:

Executing git undo 3 returns an output similar to the following, confirming the reversal of a set of commits:

[master 121b8d5] Undo 3 commits
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

Here, the output manifests the cumulative impact on files from undoing the last three commits, showing changes that accompany this operation.


The git undo command proves extremely useful for developers who frequently find themselves needing to reverse or adjust recent commits in their projects. Whether you are looking to correct a single mistaken commit or roll back multiple recent changes, git undo offers a seamless user experience by automating a process that would otherwise require complex operations. Armed with these use cases, you can now confidently integrate git undo into your Git workflow for more efficient version control.

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