How to use the command "glab auth" (with examples)

How to use the command "glab auth" (with examples)

Description: The “glab auth” command is used to authenticate with a GitLab host. It allows you to log in interactively or with a token, check your authentication status, and log in to a specific GitLab instance.

Use case 1: Log in with interactive prompt


glab auth login

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to log in to a GitLab host using an interactive prompt. It allows you to provide your username and password directly in the terminal.


  • glab auth login: This command initiates the authentication process with a GitLab host.

Example output:

? Enter GitLab hostname:
? Enter username: john.doe
? Enter password (typing will be hidden):

In this example, the user is prompted to enter the GitLab hostname, username, and password. The username and password are hidden for security purposes.

Use case 2: Log in with a token


glab auth login --token token

Motivation: Using a token for authentication can be more convenient and secure than using a password. This use case allows you to log in to a GitLab host using a personal access token.


  • glab auth login --token token: This command initiates the authentication process with a GitLab host using a personal access token.

Example output:

? Enter GitLab hostname:
? Enter token (typing will be hidden):

In this example, the user is prompted to enter the GitLab hostname and personal access token. The token is hidden for security purposes.

Use case 3: Check authentication status


glab auth status

Motivation: It is important to check your authentication status to ensure that you are properly logged in to a GitLab host. This use case allows you to verify your authentication status.


  • glab auth status: This command checks the authentication status of the current session with a GitLab host.

Example output:

Logged in to GitLab host: as john.doe

In this example, the output confirms that the user is logged in to the GitLab host “” as the username “john.doe”.

Use case 4: Log in to a specific GitLab instance


glab auth login --hostname

Motivation: There might be cases where you want to log in to a specific GitLab instance instead of the default one. This use case allows you to log in to a GitLab host with a custom hostname.


  • glab auth login --hostname This command initiates the authentication process with a specific GitLab host using a custom hostname.

Example output:

? Enter GitLab hostname:
? Enter username: john.doe
? Enter password (typing will be hidden):

In this example, the user is prompted to enter the custom GitLab hostname, username, and password. The username and password are hidden for security purposes.


The “glab auth” command provides a convenient way to authenticate with a GitLab host. Whether you prefer a token-based login or an interactive prompt, this command allows you to securely log in and manage your GitLab instances.

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