Understanding and Utilizing the "glab pipeline" Command (with Examples)

Understanding and Utilizing the "glab pipeline" Command (with Examples)


GitLab CI/CD pipelines are an integral part of modern software development, allowing developers to automate the build, test, and deployment processes. The glab pipeline command provides a convenient way to interact with GitLab CI/CD pipelines from the command line. This article will explore various use cases of the glab pipeline command and discuss their motivations, arguments, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Viewing a Running Pipeline on the Current Branch


glab pipeline status


Suppose you are working on a feature branch and want to monitor the progress of the associated pipeline. Using the glab command, you can quickly check the status of the running pipeline without leaving the command line.


The pipeline status subcommand is used to view the status of a running pipeline. When executed without any additional arguments, it displays the status of the pipeline on the current branch.

Example Output:

Pipeline Status: running
Job Status: running
- build
- test
- deploy

Use Case 2: Viewing a Running Pipeline on a Specific Branch


glab pipeline status --branch branch_name


In a collaborative environment, multiple branches might have concurrent pipelines. Monitoring the progress of a specific branch’s pipeline becomes necessary. By specifying a branch name, you can view the status of the corresponding pipeline.


To view the status of a running pipeline on a specific branch, the --branch option is used with the value set to the desired branch name.

Example Output:

Pipeline Status: running
Job Status: success
- build
- test
- deploy

Use Case 3: Getting the List of Pipelines


glab pipeline list


Sometimes, you may need to get an overview of all pipelines in a project, including both running and completed pipelines. The glab command provides a simple way to obtain this information.


Executing the pipeline list subcommand without any additional arguments fetches the list of all pipelines associated with the current project.

Example Output:

- pipeline1: success
- pipeline2: failed
- pipeline3: running

Use Case 4: Running a Manual Pipeline on the Current Branch


glab pipeline run


In situations where you need to manually trigger a pipeline on the current branch, the glab pipeline run command can be used. This is particularly useful for testing or deployment purposes.


Running the pipeline run subcommand without any additional arguments triggers a manual pipeline run on the current branch.

Example Output:

Creating pipeline for branch: main
Pipeline scheduled successfully.

Use Case 5: Running a Manual Pipeline on a Specific Branch


glab pipeline run --branch branch_name


Similar to the previous use case, this command allows you to manually trigger a pipeline. However, you can specify a branch other than the current one. This feature is valuable when you want to run a pipeline on a different branch without checking out to that branch.


To run a manual pipeline on a specific branch, the --branch option is used with the value set to the desired branch name.

Example Output:

Creating pipeline for branch: feature-branch
Pipeline scheduled successfully.


The glab pipeline command provides a versatile set of functionalities to interact with GitLab CI/CD pipelines from the command line. This article illustrated various use cases of the command and provided code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs for each use case. By leveraging the power of the glab pipeline command, developers can efficiently monitor and manage their pipelines directly from the terminal.

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