How to use the command 'gladtex' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gladtex' (with examples)

Description: ‘gladtex’ is a command-line tool that serves as a LaTeX formula preprocessor for HTML files. Its main purpose is to convert LaTeX formulas into images. This is particularly useful when working with HTML documents that need to display mathematical equations or symbols rendered in LaTeX format.

Use case 1: Convert LaTeX formula to HTML


gladtex path/to/input.htex

Motivation: In this use case, the ‘gladtex’ command is used to convert a LaTeX formula to HTML. By providing the path to the input LaTeX file, ‘gladtex’ processes the formula and generates the corresponding HTML output. This is helpful when you need to include mathematical equations in an HTML document.


  • gladtex: Invokes the ‘gladtex’ command.
  • path/to/input.htex: Specifies the path to the input LaTeX file.

Example output: The LaTeX formula in ‘input.htex’ is converted to HTML format. The resulting HTML file contains the rendered image of the formula, which can be displayed in a web browser or incorporated into an HTML document.

Use case 2: Save converted file to a specific location


gladtex path/to/input.htex -o path/to/output.html

Motivation: This use case comes in handy when you want to save the converted HTML file to a specific location. By specifying the output file path with the -o option, you have more control over where the converted file will be saved.


  • -o path/to/output.html: Specifies the path and name of the output file where the converted HTML should be saved.

Example output: The converted HTML file is saved at the specified output location (path/to/output.html). This allows you to easily locate and access the converted file without having to manually move it to the desired destination.

Use case 3: Save generated images to a specific directory


gladtex path/to/input.htex -d path/to/image_output_directory

Motivation: When converting LaTeX formulas to images, the ‘gladtex’ command generates corresponding image files. This use case is useful when you want to save those generated images to a specific directory. By providing the path to the image output directory with the -d option, you can organize and store the images in a separate folder.


  • -d path/to/image_output_directory: Specifies the path to the directory where the generated images should be saved.

Example output: The images generated during the conversion process are saved in the specified image output directory (path/to/image_output_directory). This ensures that the images are easily accessible and separate from the HTML file or other resources.

Use case 4: Set image resolution


gladtex path/to/input.htex -r resolution

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to control the resolution of the generated images to achieve a desired quality or size. This use case allows you to set the image resolution in dots per inch (dpi) with the -r option. By specifying a custom resolution, you have more flexibility in adjusting the image output to meet your requirements.


  • -r resolution: Sets the desired resolution (in dpi) for the generated images.

Example output: The images are generated with the specified resolution. Higher resolution values result in larger image files with better quality, while lower values may reduce file size but may compromise the visual fidelity of the images.

Use case 5: Keep LaTeX files after conversion


gladtex path/to/input.htex -k

Motivation: By default, ‘gladtex’ deletes the original LaTeX files after the conversion process. However, in certain scenarios, you may want to retain these files for reference or further use. This use case allows you to keep the LaTeX files by including the -k option.


  • -k: Instructs ‘gladtex’ to keep the original LaTeX files after conversion.

Example output: The LaTeX files used as input for the conversion process are preserved and not removed by ‘gladtex’. This can be useful when you need to access the original LaTeX files or perform additional operations on them.

Use case 6: Set background and foreground colors of the images


gladtex path/to/input.htex -b background_color -f foreground_color

Motivation: Sometimes, you may wish to customize the background and foreground colors of the generated images. This use case allows you to specify custom colors using the -b and -f options, respectively. By doing so, you can match the visual style or color scheme of your webpage or document.


  • -b background_color: Sets the background color of the generated images.
  • -f foreground_color: Sets the foreground color of the generated images.

Example output: The images are generated with the specified background and foreground colors. This customization ensures that the images seamlessly blend with the surrounding content, maintaining visual consistency and improving the overall aesthetic appeal.

Use case 7: Convert Markdown to HTML using ‘pandoc’ and ‘gladtex’


pandoc -s -t html --gladtex path/to/ | gladtex -o path/to/output.html

Motivation: Markdown is a popular lightweight markup language used for writing richly formatted content that can be easily converted to HTML. By combining the power of ‘pandoc’ and ‘gladtex’, you can convert Markdown documents containing LaTeX formulas to HTML and incorporate the rendered images seamlessly.


  • pandoc -s -t html --gladtex path/to/ Converts the Markdown file (path/to/ to HTML, preserving the LaTeX formulas and using ‘gladtex’ to generate images for them.
  • |: Pipes the output of the first command to the input of the second command.
  • gladtex -o path/to/output.html: Converts the Markdown file with rendered LaTeX formulas to HTML format and saves it to the specified output file.

Example output: The Markdown file is converted to HTML, with the LaTeX formulas rendered as images and seamlessly embedded within the HTML content. The resulting HTML file (path/to/output.html) can be viewed in a web browser or included in other HTML documents.


The ‘gladtex’ command provides a convenient way to preprocess LaTeX formulas within HTML files and convert them into visually appealing images. By understanding and utilizing the various options available, you can effectively generate high-quality images and integrate them into your HTML documents without hassle. Whether you need to convert a single LaTeX formula or process an entire Markdown file, ‘gladtex’ simplifies the task of incorporating mathematical equations into your web content.

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