How to use the command 'glow' (with examples)

How to use the command 'glow' (with examples)

The glow command is a tool that allows you to render Markdown files in the terminal. It provides a visually appealing output of the Markdown content, making it easier to read and navigate. Whether you want to view local Markdown files or render Markdown files from URLs or repositories, ‘glow’ has got you covered.

Use case 1: Run glow and select a file to view



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to simply run glow and select a file interactively to view in the terminal. It allows you to directly browse through your local files and choose a Markdown file to render.

Explanation: The command glow without any arguments starts the tool in interactive mode. It shows a file selection screen where you can navigate through your file system and select a Markdown file to view.

Example output: The output will depend on the selected Markdown file. Once you choose a file, ‘glow’ will render it in the terminal, providing a formatted and styled view of the Markdown content.

Use case 2: Render a Markdown file to the terminal


glow path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to render a specific Markdown file without the need for interaction. It allows you to directly view the chosen Markdown file in the terminal.

Explanation: In this use case, you provide the path to the Markdown file as an argument to glow. It will render the file’s content in the terminal, formatting and styling it according to the Markdown syntax.

Example output: The output will display the rendered Markdown content of the specified file. All Markdown formatting elements such as headers, lists, code blocks, and links will be properly rendered and styled for easier readability.

Use case 3: View a Markdown file using a paginator


glow -p path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to view a Markdown file with a paginator. The paginator allows you to navigate through the file content page by page, making it easier to read long documents without overwhelming the terminal.

Explanation: By specifying the -p flag along with the Markdown file path, you enable the paginator feature in glow. The paginator allows you to scroll through the Markdown content in a controlled manner, viewing one page at a time.

Example output: The output will show the rendered Markdown content of the specified file, with the added navigation functionality provided by the paginator. You can use keyboard keys or specified key combinations to navigate through the content.

Use case 4: View a file from a URL



Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you want to view a Markdown file from a URL directly in the terminal. It eliminates the need to download the file or launch a web browser to read its content.

Explanation: In this use case, you provide the URL of the Markdown file as an argument to glow. The tool will fetch the file from the specified URL and render its content in the terminal.

Example output: The output will display the rendered Markdown content of the file obtained from the URL. Whether it’s a standalone Markdown file or a Markdown document embedded in a web page, glow will render it correctly, preserving the proper formatting and styling.

Use case 5: View a GitHub/GitLab README



Motivation: This use case is convenient when you want to quickly view the README file of a GitHub or GitLab repository directly in your terminal. It eliminates the need to open a web browser and navigate to the repository’s page to access the README.

Explanation: By providing the URL of the GitHub or GitLab repository as an argument to glow, the tool will automatically fetch and render the README file associated with the repository. This features saves time and provides a seamless experience.

Example output: The output will display the rendered Markdown content of the README file of the specified repository. Whether it’s a simple README or a complex document with tables, images, and code snippets, ‘glow’ will render it correctly for easy reading and consumption.


The glow command is a versatile tool for rendering Markdown files in the terminal. It provides an elegant and visually pleasing output of Markdown content, making it easier to read and navigate through. With glow, you can view local Markdown files, render files from URLs, or even quickly access and read README files from GitHub or GitLab repositories.

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