Using the `gml2gv` Command (with examples)

Using the `gml2gv` Command (with examples)

The gml2gv command is a useful tool for converting a graph from the gml format to the gv format. This can be helpful when working with graph visualization tools that support the gv format. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the gml2gv command and provide code examples, motivations for using each example, and explanations for every argument. Let’s get started!

Use Case 1: Convert a graph from gml to gv format


gml2gv -o output.gv input.gml


The motivation for using this example is to convert a graph stored in gml format to the gv format. This can be useful for visualizing the graph using graph visualization tools that support the gv format.


  • -o output.gv: Specifies the name of the output file in gv format.
  • input.gml: Specifies the name of the input file in gml format.

Example Output:

Running the above code will convert the graph in input.gml to gv format and save it as output.gv.

Use Case 2: Convert a graph using stdin and stdout


cat input.gml | gml2gv > output.gv


The motivation for using this example is to convert a graph from gml to gv format without using intermediate files. This can be useful when working with pipelines or when we want to directly input the gml data and get the converted gv data as output.


  • cat input.gml: Reads the contents of the input.gml file.
  • |: Pipes the output of cat input.gml as input to the gml2gv command.
  • > output.gv: Redirects the output of the gml2gv command to the output.gv file.

Example Output:

Running the above code will convert the graph from the input.gml file to gv format and save it as output.gv.

Use Case 3: Display help


gml2gv -?


The motivation for using this example is to get help and learn more about the gml2gv command. This can be useful when we are new to the command and want to understand its available options and usage.


  • -?: Displays the help message for the gml2gv command.

Example Output:

Running the above code will display the help message for the gml2gv command. This message will provide information on the available options and usage of the command.

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