How to use the command 'gnome-extensions' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gnome-extensions' (with examples)

The gnome-extensions command allows users to manage gnome extensions from the terminal. Gnome extensions are add-ons that enhance the functionality of the Gnome Shell, the default desktop environment for the GNOME project. This command provides various subcommands to interact with extensions, such as displaying the version, listing installed extensions, enabling or disabling specific extensions, and uninstalling extensions.

Use case 1: Display the version


gnome-extensions version

Motivation: You want to check the version of the gnome-extensions command installed on your system.

Explanation: The version subcommand is used to display the version of the gnome-extensions command.

Example output:

gnome-extensions v3.38.0

Use case 2: List all the installed extensions


gnome-extensions list

Motivation: You want to see a list of all the extensions installed on your system.

Explanation: The list subcommand is used to display a list of all the installed extensions on your system.

Example output:


Use case 3: Display information about a specific extension


gnome-extensions info "extension_id"

Motivation: You want to get detailed information about a specific extension, including its name, version, description, and the URL where it can be found.

Explanation: The info subcommand is used to display information about a specific extension. You need to provide the extension_id as an argument, which represents the unique identifier of the extension.

Example output:

Name: Example Extension
Version: 1.0
Description: This is a sample extension for demonstration purposes.

Use case 4: Display help for a subcommand


gnome-extensions help subcommand

Motivation: You want to learn more about a specific subcommand of the gnome-extensions command.

Explanation: The help subcommand is used to display help information about a specific subcommand. You need to provide the subcommand as an argument, which represents the subcommand you want to get help for.

Example output:

Usage: gnome-extensions help
      subcommand Take the subcommand's help.

Use case 5: Enable a specific extension


gnome-extensions enable "extension_id"

Motivation: You want to enable a specific extension to start using its functionality.

Explanation: The enable subcommand is used to enable a specific extension. You need to provide the extension_id as an argument, which represents the unique identifier of the extension you want to enable.

Example output: (No output)

Use case 6: Disable a specific extension


gnome-extensions disable "extension_id"

Motivation: You want to disable a specific extension to stop using its functionality.

Explanation: The disable subcommand is used to disable a specific extension. You need to provide the extension_id as an argument, which represents the unique identifier of the extension you want to disable.

Example output: (No output)

Use case 7: Uninstall a specific extension


gnome-extensions uninstall "extension_id"

Motivation: You want to remove a specific extension from your system.

Explanation: The uninstall subcommand is used to uninstall a specific extension. You need to provide the extension_id as an argument, which represents the unique identifier of the extension you want to uninstall.

Example output: (No output)


The gnome-extensions command is a powerful tool for managing gnome extensions from the terminal. With its various subcommands, you can easily display version information, list installed extensions, get detailed information about specific extensions, enable or disable extensions, and uninstall extensions. This command provides a convenient way to interact with gnome extensions, enhancing your experience with the Gnome Shell desktop environment.

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