How to use the command "go clean" (with examples)

How to use the command "go clean" (with examples)

The “go clean” command is a tool provided by the Go programming language that allows users to remove object files, cached files, and other build artifacts created by the Go build system. This command is particularly useful when you want to clean up your project directory from unnecessary files and start fresh.

Use case 1: Print the remove commands instead of actually removing anything


go clean -n

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to know which files the “go clean” command would remove without actually deleting them. The “-n” flag allows you to simulate the removal process by printing the remove commands that would have been executed.

Explanation: The “-n” flag stands for “dry run”. When used with the “go clean” command, it instructs the command to only print the remove commands without actually deleting any files.

Example output:

# Remove object files
# Remove cached files

Use case 2: Delete the build cache


go clean -cache

Motivation: The build cache is a directory in your Go project that stores compiled object files to speed up subsequent builds. However, there may be instances where you want to delete the build cache to reclaim disk space or ensure a clean build environment.

Explanation: The “-cache” flag tells the “go clean” command to delete the build cache. By running this command, you eliminate all the compiled object files stored in the build cache directory.

Example output:

Removing build cache…

Use case 3: Delete all cached test results


go clean -testcache

Motivation: When running tests in Go, the test results are cached for faster subsequent test runs. However, there may be cases where you want to delete the cached test results to ensure a clean testing environment or when the test results are no longer relevant.

Explanation: The “-testcache” flag instructs the “go clean” command to delete all cached test results. When you run this command, all test results previously stored in the cache will be removed.

Example output:

Deleting test cache…

Use case 4: Delete the module cache


go clean -modcache

Motivation: Go modules introduced a module cache to store downloaded dependencies. Deleting the module cache can be useful when you want to ensure a fresh start with downloading dependencies or when you want to reclaim disk space.

Explanation: The “-modcache” flag signals the “go clean” command to delete the module cache directory. This will remove all the downloaded module files from your project’s cache.

Example output:

Removing module cache…


The “go clean” command is a versatile tool for removing unnecessary build artifacts and cached files in Go projects. Whether you want to simulate the removal process, delete the build cache, remove cached test results, or clean the module cache, the “go clean” command provides the necessary functionality to keep your project directory clean and organized.

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