How to use the command 'go doc' (with examples)

How to use the command 'go doc' (with examples)

The ‘go doc’ command is a tool in the Go programming language that allows users to view documentation for packages and symbols. It can provide information on functions, types, constants, variables, and more. By using the ‘go doc’ command, developers can easily access documentation and understand how to use different elements of the Go language.

Use case 1: Show documentation for the current package


go doc


When working on a Go project, it is often necessary to refer to the documentation of the current package. By using the ‘go doc’ command without any arguments, developers can quickly access the documentation specific to their current package.


The command ‘go doc’ without any arguments displays the documentation for the current package. It provides information about the package itself, including its name, import path, and any exported symbols such as functions, types, and constants.

Example output:


package main
    import "myproject"

    Package myproject is an example package that demonstrates the usage of the 'go doc' command.


func HelloWorld()
    HelloWorld prints a friendly greeting message.


type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int
    Person represents a person with a name and age.


const Pi = 3.14159
    Pi is a mathematical constant.

Use case 2: Show package documentation and exported symbols


go doc encoding/json


Sometimes, it is necessary to explore the documentation for a particular package and understand its exported symbols. The ‘go doc’ command can be used to view the package documentation along with all the exported symbols, including functions, types, constants, and variables.


By providing the package import path as an argument, in this case, ’encoding/json’, the ‘go doc’ command displays the package documentation along with all of its exported symbols.

Example output:


package json
    import "encoding/json"

    Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 7159. The mapping between JSON and Go values is described in the documentation for the Marshal and Unmarshal functions.


func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v.


type InvalidUnmarshalError string
    InvalidUnmarshalError is an error type that represents an invalid argument passed to Unmarshal.

type SyntaxError struct {
    Offset int64
    SyntaxError is an error type that represents a JSON syntax error.


const (

Use case 3: Show also documentation of symbols


go doc -all encoding/json


When exploring a package in more detail, it can be helpful to view the documentation for not just the package and its exported symbols, but also the documentation for individual symbols such as functions, types, constants, and variables. The ‘-all’ flag allows the ‘go doc’ command to display the documentation for all symbols.


By using the ‘-all’ flag along with the package import path, in this case, ’encoding/json’, the ‘go doc’ command displays the documentation for all symbols in the package, including unexported symbols.

Example output:



func Compact(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) error
    Compact appends to dst the JSON-encoded src with any insignificant whitespace removed.

func HTMLEscape(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte)
    HTMLEscape appends to dst the JSON-encoded src, with HTML character references.



type SyntaxError struct {
    Offset   int64  // byte offset of error
    SyntaxError records a syntax error encountered during JSON decoding.


type InvalidUTF8Error int64
    InvalidUTF8Error is an error type that represents an invalid UTF-8 encoding.





var (

Use case 4: Show also sources


go doc -all -src encoding/json


In addition to the package documentation, exported symbol documentation, and documentation for all symbols, developers may also need to view the source code of a particular symbol. The ‘-src’ flag allows the ‘go doc’ command to display the source code for each symbol, providing further insight into how they are implemented.


By using the ‘-all’ and ‘-src’ flags along with the package import path, in this case, ’encoding/json’, the ‘go doc’ command displays the package documentation, exported symbol documentation, documentation for all symbols, and the source code for each symbol.

Example output:


File json.go

package json

// Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v.
func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {


File syntax.go

package json

type SyntaxError struct {
    Offset   int64  // byte offset of error


File invalid_utf8.go

package json

// InvalidUTF8Error represents an invalid UTF-8 encoding.
type InvalidUTF8Error int64


Use case 5: Show a specific symbol


go doc -all -src encoding/json.Number


When working with a large package, it can be useful to view the documentation and source code for a specific symbol. By providing the symbol name as an argument, in this case, ’encoding/json.Number’, the ‘go doc’ command displays the documentation and source code for that specific symbol.


By using the ‘-all’, ‘-src’, and symbol name arguments, in this case, ’encoding/json.Number’, the ‘go doc’ command displays the documentation and source code for the specified symbol.

Example output:



type Number string
    Number represents a JSON number literal.

    It is the implementation for the tokens TokenNumber, TokenNegativeNumber.


File number.go

package json

// Number represents a JSON number literal.
type Number string



The ‘go doc’ command is a powerful tool that allows developers to quickly access documentation for different packages and symbols in the Go programming language. By utilizing the various flags and arguments, developers can explore package documentation, exported symbols, and source code, making it easier to understand and utilize the Go language effectively.

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