How to use the command 'go get' (with examples)

How to use the command 'go get' (with examples)

The ‘go get’ command is used in Go programming to add a dependency package to the current module or to download packages in the legacy GOPATH mode. It allows developers to easily manage external packages and their versions. This article will illustrate how to use the ‘go get’ command with various use cases.

Use case 1: Add a specified package to go.mod in module-mode or install the package in GOPATH-mode


go get


The motivation behind using this example is to add a specific package to the current Go module or install it in the traditional GOPATH mode. This is useful when you want to include a new package in your application and make it available for use in your code.


  • This is the import path of the package you want to add or install. Replace it with the actual import path of the package you want to include in your project.

Example output:

go: downloading v1.0.0

In this example, the ‘go get’ command downloads the package ’’ with version 1.0.0 and makes it available for use in the project.

Use case 2: Modify the package with a given version in module-aware mode


go get


The motivation behind using this example is to modify the package with a specific version in a module-aware mode. This is useful when you need to update or switch to a specific version of a package in your project.


  • This specifies the package with version v1.2.3 that you want to modify. Replace it with the actual package import path and version you want to use.

Example output:

go: downloading v1.2.3

In this example, the ‘go get’ command downloads the package ’’ with version 1.2.3 and updates it in the project.

Use case 3: Remove a specified package


go get


The motivation behind using this example is to remove a specified package from the Go module. This is useful when you no longer need a particular package in your project.


  • This specifies the package that you want to remove. Replace it with the actual package import path you want to remove.

Example output:

go: found in v1.0.0

In this example, the ‘go get’ command found the package ’’ in the project and removes it.


The ‘go get’ command is a powerful tool in Go programming for managing dependencies. It allows developers to easily add or install packages, modify their versions, and remove unnecessary packages from the project. By understanding the different use cases and examples provided in this article, developers can efficiently utilize the ‘go get’ command to streamline their Go projects.

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