How to use the command 'go tool' (with examples)

How to use the command 'go tool' (with examples)

The ‘go tool’ command is a powerful tool in the Go programming language that allows users to run specific Go tools or commands. It can be used to execute a Go command as a stand-alone binary, typically for debugging purposes. This command provides access to various tools and commands available in the Go toolchain, making it a useful tool for developers.

Use case 1: List available tools


go tool

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to know the available tools and commands in the Go toolchain. By running the ‘go tool’ command without any arguments, you can get a list of all the available tools and commands that can be executed using this command.

Explanation: Running the ‘go tool’ command without any arguments will list all the available tools and commands in the Go toolchain. This can help you discover new tools or verify if a specific tool you are looking for is available.

Example output:

Available commands and tools:


go tool link path/to/main.o

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to run the ‘go link’ tool directly as a stand-alone binary for debugging or other purposes. The ‘go tool’ command allows you to execute specific Go tools like ‘go link’ without having to build and install the entire Go toolchain.

Explanation: Running the ‘go tool link’ command followed by the path to the main object file (main.o) will execute the ‘go link’ tool on that file. This is useful when you want to manually link separate object files or when you want to experiment with the ‘go link’ tool.

Example output:

Output generated by the go link tool.

Use case 3: Print the command that would be executed, but do not execute it


go tool -n command arguments

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to see the command that would be executed by the ‘go tool’ command without actually executing it. This can be useful for verifying the correctness of the command or for understanding how a specific tool is used behind the scenes.

Explanation: By using the ‘-n’ flag followed by the desired command and its arguments, the ‘go tool’ command will display the command that would be executed, but it will not actually execute it. This is similar to the ‘whereis’ command in other systems, where you can see the location of a command without running it.

Example output:

go build -o main path/to/main.go

Use case 4: Display documentation for a specified tool


go tool command --help

Motivation: When working with a new or unfamiliar tool in the Go toolchain, it is often helpful to refer to its documentation to understand its usage and available options. The ‘go tool’ command provides a convenient way to display the documentation for a specified tool.

Explanation: Running the ‘go tool’ command followed by the desired command and the ‘–help’ flag will display the documentation for that particular tool. This can help you understand the available options, command-line arguments, and usage examples for the tool.

Example output:

Usage: go tool command [flags] [path/to/file]

  -flag1   Description of flag1
  -flag2   Description of flag2

Command-specific usage examples:
  go tool command example1
  go tool command example2


The ‘go tool’ command is a versatile command in the Go programming language that allows users to run specific Go tools or commands. It provides access to various tools and commands available in the Go toolchain, making it a valuable tool for developers. By understanding the different use cases and examples provided in this article, you can leverage the ‘go tool’ command to enhance your Go development workflow.

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