How to use the command gocryptfs (with examples)

How to use the command gocryptfs (with examples)

gocryptfs is an encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go. It allows users to create and manage encrypted filesystems, providing an additional layer of security for their data.

Use case 1: Initialize an encrypted filesystem


gocryptfs -init path/to/cipher_dir

Motivation: When starting to use gocryptfs, the first step is to initialize an encrypted filesystem. This command creates the necessary directory structure and files to set up the encrypted filesystem.


  • -init: This flag tells gocryptfs to initialize a new encrypted filesystem.
  • path/to/cipher_dir: This is the path where the encrypted files will be stored.

Example output:

2019/01/01 12:00:00 gocryptfs version 1.2.1 running on Go
2019/01/01 12:00:00 Notice: AllowFsetxattr is disabled
2019/01/01 12:00:00 Use the -init flag to create a new filesystem.

Use case 2: Mount an encrypted filesystem


gocryptfs path/to/cipher_dir path/to/mount_point

Motivation: Once an encrypted filesystem has been initialized, it needs to be mounted in order to access its contents. This command mounts the encrypted filesystem at the specified mount point, making the encrypted files accessible as regular files.


  • path/to/cipher_dir: This is the path to the directory containing the encrypted files.
  • path/to/mount_point: This is the path to the directory where the encrypted filesystem will be mounted.

Example output:

2019/01/01 12:00:00 The filesystem was successfully mounted.

Use case 3: Mount with the explicit master key instead of password


gocryptfs --masterkey path/to/master_key path/to/mount_point

Motivation: By default, gocryptfs uses a password to decrypt the encrypted filesystem. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to use an explicit master key instead. This command allows users to specify the path to the master key file when mounting the encrypted filesystem.


  • --masterkey: This flag tells gocryptfs to use an explicit master key instead of a password.
  • path/to/master_key: This is the path to the file containing the master key.
  • path/to/mount_point: This is the path to the directory where the encrypted filesystem will be mounted.

Example output:

2019/01/01 12:00:00 The filesystem was successfully mounted using the provided master key.

Use case 4: Change the password


gocryptfs --passwd path/to/cipher_dir

Motivation: Users may need to change the password used to encrypt and decrypt the filesystem for security reasons. This command allows users to change the password associated with the encrypted filesystem.


  • --passwd: This flag tells gocryptfs to change the password associated with the encrypted filesystem.
  • path/to/cipher_dir: This is the path to the directory containing the encrypted files.

Example output:

2019/01/01 12:00:00 Enter the old password: *********
2019/01/01 12:00:01 Enter the new password: *********
2019/01/01 12:00:02 Password changed successfully.

Use case 5: Make an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory


gocryptfs --reverse path/to/plain_dir path/to/cipher_dir

Motivation: In some cases, users may need to convert a regular directory into an encrypted one. This command allows users to create an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory, effectively making it an encrypted filesystem.


  • --reverse: This flag tells gocryptfs to create an encrypted snapshot of a plain directory.
  • path/to/plain_dir: This is the path to the directory that will be converted into an encrypted filesystem.
  • path/to/cipher_dir: This is the path where the encrypted files will be stored.

Example output:

2019/01/01 12:00:00 Encrypted snapshot created successfully.


The gocryptfs command provides a powerful and easy-to-use solution for creating and managing encrypted filesystems. With its various use cases, users can initialize encrypted filesystems, mount them with passwords or master keys, change passwords, and create encrypted snapshots of plain directories. By using gocryptfs, users can ensure the security and privacy of their data.

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