How to use the command 'googler' (with examples)

How to use the command 'googler' (with examples)

The googler command allows users to search Google directly from the command-line, providing a convenient and efficient way to access information without leaving the terminal. This article will provide examples of several use cases for the googler command.

Use case 1: Search Google for a keyword


googler keyword

Motivation: Searching Google from the command-line can be faster and more convenient than opening a web browser and navigating to the Google search page. It allows users to quickly find information without switching between multiple applications.

Explanation: The googler command followed by the desired keyword will perform a Google search and display the results directly in the terminal.

Example output:

Search results for 'keyword':
1. Result 1 title
   Result 1 description
2. Result 2 title
   Result 2 description

Use case 2: Search Google and open the first result in the web browser


googler -j keyword

Motivation: Sometimes it is preferable to view search results in a web browser rather than in the terminal. This use case allows users to quickly open the first search result in their default web browser from the command-line.

Explanation: The -j flag followed by the desired keyword directs googler to open the first search result in the web browser instead of displaying it in the terminal.

Example output: The web browser opens and displays the first search result.

Use case 3: Show N search results


googler -n N keyword

Motivation: By default, googler displays 10 search results. However, for more comprehensive searches, it may be helpful to show a larger number of search results to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Explanation: The -n flag followed by the desired number N allows users to specify the number of search results they would like to display.

Example output:

Search results for 'keyword':
1. Result 1 title
   Result 1 description
2. Result 2 title
   Result 2 description
N. Result N title
   Result N description

Use case 4: Disable automatic spelling correction


googler -x keyword

Motivation: Google automatically corrects common spelling mistakes in search queries. However, there may be situations where users want to search for specific variations of a word without any automatic corrections.

Explanation: The -x flag followed by the desired keyword instructs googler to disable automatic spelling correction for the given search query.

Example output:

Search results for 'keyword':
1. Result 1 title
   Result 1 description
2. Result 2 title
   Result 2 description

Use case 5: Search one site for a keyword


googler -w site keyword

Motivation: Sometimes users may want to search for information on a specific website rather than searching the entire web. This use case allows users to refine their search to a particular site.

Explanation: The -w flag followed by the desired website site and the keyword directs googler to search only within the specified site.

Example output:

Search results for 'site keyword':
1. Result 1 title
   Result 1 description
2. Result 2 title
   Result 2 description

Use case 6: Show Google search result in JSON format


googler --json keyword

Motivation: Sometimes it may be necessary to process the search results programmatically. This use case allows users to retrieve the Google search results in JSON format for further analysis.

Explanation: The --json flag followed by the desired keyword instructs googler to display the search results in JSON format rather than the usual human-readable format.

Example output:

  "results": [
      "title": "Result 1 title",
      "description": "Result 1 description",
      "title": "Result 2 title",
      "description": "Result 2 description",

Use case 7: Perform in-place self-upgrade


googler -u

Motivation: To ensure that the googler command is up-to-date and includes any new features or bug fixes, it’s necessary to perform regular updates. This use case allows users to perform in-place self-upgrades of the googler command.

Explanation: The -u flag requests the googler command to check for updates and perform an in-place self-upgrade if a newer version is available.

Example output:

Upgrading googler...
Upgrade completed successfully.

Use case 8: More help in interactive mode



Motivation: When using the googler command in interactive mode, users may need additional help or assistance with the available commands and options.

Explanation: Entering a question mark ? in interactive mode displays a help page with information about the available commands, options, and shortcuts within the googler command.

Example output: A help page is displayed with detailed information on how to use the googler command and its available options.


The googler command provides a powerful and efficient way to search Google directly from the command-line, saving time and effort compared to traditional web browser searching. With its various options and flags, users can customize their searches, view search results in different formats, and even perform self-upgrades of the command. Whether you prefer searching the web directly from the terminal or need to automate search queries, googler is a versatile tool that can meet your needs.

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