How to use the command gource (with examples)

How to use the command gource (with examples)

The command “gource” is a powerful tool for visualizing the history of repositories. It generates an animated tree diagram of Git, SVN, Mercurial, and Bazaar repositories, illustrating the creation, modification, and removal of files and directories over time. By using this command, developers can gain a better understanding of the development process and see the evolution of their project visually.

Use case 1: Running gource in a directory


gource path/to/repository

Motivation: Running gource in a directory allows you to visualize the repository’s history based on the provided path. This is useful when you want to generate an animated diagram for a specific repository.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” followed by the path to the repository you want to visualize. If the directory provided is not the root directory of the repository, the command will automatically seek up from there to find the root.

Example Output: The command will generate an animated tree diagram, displaying the files and directories being created, modified, or removed over time.

Use case 2: Running gource in the current directory with a custom output resolution


gource -widthxheight

Motivation: By setting a custom output resolution, you can control the size and aspect ratio of the generated animated diagram. This is particularly useful when you want to integrate the visualization into documentation or presentations.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” and is followed by “-widthxheight”. Replace “width” and “height” with the desired dimensions of the output. For example, “gource -1920x1080” would set the output resolution to 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high.

Example Output: The command will run gource in the current directory and generate an animated diagram with the custom output resolution of the specified dimensions.

Use case 3: Setting a custom timescale for the animation


gource -c time_scale_multiplier

Motivation: Adjusting the timescale allows you to control the speed of the animation. You can speed up or slow down the visualization to match your desired level of detail and comprehension.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” followed by “-c time_scale_multiplier”. Replace “time_scale_multiplier” with the desired value. The default value is 1.0, so values higher than 1 will speed up the animation, while values lower than 1 will slow it down.

Example Output: Running the command with “-c 2.0” will double the speed of the animation, making the visualization faster and potentially giving a broader overview of the repository’s history.

Use case 4: Setting the duration of each day in the animation


gource -s seconds

Motivation: By setting the duration of each day, you can control the pace at which the animation progresses. This is useful when you want to emphasize specific periods or events in the project’s history.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” followed by “-s seconds”. Replace “seconds” with the desired duration of each day in the animation, measured in seconds.

Example Output: Running the command with “-s 10” will make each day in the animation last for 10 seconds, resulting in a slower-paced visualization that allows for more detailed analysis.

Use case 5: Setting fullscreen mode and a custom background color


gource -f -b hex_color_code

Motivation: Enabling fullscreen mode and customizing the background color allows you to present the visualization in a seamless and visually appealing manner, enhancing the overall user experience.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” followed by “-f” to enable fullscreen mode and “-b hex_color_code” to set the background color. Replace “hex_color_code” with a valid hexadecimal color code, such as “#000000” for black.

Example Output: Running the command with “-f -b #FF0000” will display the visualization in fullscreen mode with a red background, creating a visually striking presentation.

Use case 6: Setting a title for the animation


gource --title title

Motivation: Adding a title to the animation provides context and clarity, allowing viewers to understand the purpose or focus of the visualization.

Explanation: The command starts with “gource” followed by “–title title”. Replace “title” with the desired title text for the animation.

Example Output: Running the command with “–title MyProject” will display “MyProject” as the title of the animation at the beginning, providing a clear indication of the project being visualized.


The “gource” command is an excellent tool for visualizing the history of repositories. By utilizing its various use cases, developers can gain valuable insights and a new perspective on how their projects have evolved over time. Whether you want to create documentation, share progress updates, or simply analyze the development process, “gource” can help you tell the story of your code visually.

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