How to Use the Command "gpg-tui" (with examples)

How to Use the Command "gpg-tui" (with examples)

The “gpg-tui” command is a terminal user interface for GNU Public Guard. It allows users to interactively manage and operate the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption and signing tool. With “gpg-tui,” users can generate new keys, export keys, set the detail level for keys, refresh the interface, and more.

Use case 1: Start gpg-tui



Motivation: This command is used to start the “gpg-tui” interface. By running this command, users can access the TUI for managing GPG keys and performing encryption and signing operations.

Explanation: The command “gpg-tui” simply starts the “gpg-tui” interface.

Example output:

The "gpg-tui" interface is initialized and displayed on the terminal.

Use case 2: Start gpg-tui with color and ASCII armored output


gpg-tui --style colored --armor

Motivation: This command allows users to customize the appearance of the “gpg-tui” interface by enabling colored output. Additionally, it enables ASCII armored output, which is a format commonly used for transferring GPG keys via email or other text-based mediums.

Explanation: The “–style colored” argument enables colored output in the “gpg-tui” interface, making it visually appealing. The “–armor” argument specifies that the output should be in ASCII armored format, which is necessary when exporting keys for transferring purposes.

Example output:

The "gpg-tui" interface is initialized with colored output and ASCII armored format enabled.

Use case 3: Show help in gpg-tui



Motivation: This command allows users to quickly access help information within the “gpg-tui” interface. It can be useful for understanding the available commands and their functionalities.

Explanation: The “?” command is used to display the help menu in the “gpg-tui” interface.

Example output:

Help menu is displayed, providing information about available commands and their functionalities.

Use case 4: Quit gpg-tui



Motivation: This command is used to exit the “gpg-tui” interface. It allows users to close the interface when they have completed their tasks.

Explanation: The “q” command is used to quit or exit the “gpg-tui” interface.

Example output:

The "gpg-tui" interface is closed and the terminal returns to the regular shell prompt.

Use case 5: Interactively generate a new key



Motivation: This command enables users to generate a new GPG key within the “gpg-tui” interface. It provides an interactive interface for providing the necessary parameters and configuring the key generation process.

Explanation: The “g” command initiates the interactive process for generating a new GPG key within the “gpg-tui” interface.

Example output:

The "gpg-tui" interface guides the user through the key generation process, prompting for required information and displaying the progress.

Use case 6: Export the selected key



Motivation: This command allows users to export and save a selected GPG key to a file. It can be useful for backing up keys or sharing them with others.

Explanation: The “x” command initiates the export process for the currently selected key in the “gpg-tui” interface.

Example output:

The selected key is exported and saved to a file in the desired location.

Use case 7: Set the detail level for the selected key



Motivation: This command allows users to adjust the level of detail displayed for a selected GPG key in the “gpg-tui” interface. It can be useful for focusing on the specific information of interest.

Explanation: The “1|2|3” command sets the detail level for the currently selected key. The user can choose between three levels of detail, with “1” representing the least detailed view and “3” representing the most detailed view.

Example output:

The detail level of the selected key is adjusted according to the user's choice, displaying the desired amount of information.

Use case 8: Refresh gpg-tui



Motivation: This command allows users to refresh the “gpg-tui” interface, updating the displayed information and reflecting any changes made to keys or settings.

Explanation: The “r” command triggers a refresh action in the “gpg-tui” interface, updating the displayed content to reflect the most recent changes.

Example output:

The "gpg-tui" interface is refreshed, displaying the most up-to-date information about keys and settings.


By demonstrating these various use cases, this article has provided an overview of how to use the “gpg-tui” command. Users can now leverage this powerful terminal user interface to conveniently manage their GPG keys and perform encryption and signing operations.

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