How to use the command 'gradle' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gradle' (with examples)

Gradle is an open source build automation system that allows developers to automate the build, testing, and deployment processes of their projects. It uses a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) to define the build scripts and configuration.

Use case 1: Compile a package


gradle build

Motivation: Compiling a package is a fundamental step in the build process. By running the gradle build command, Gradle will compile the project’s source code and generate the output artifacts, such as JAR files.

Explanation: The build command is a built-in task provided by Gradle. It triggers the build process, which involves compiling the source code, running tests, and producing the output artifacts.

Example output: The output will vary depending on the project, but typically it will display the progress of the build and indicate whether it was successful or not.

Use case 2: Exclude test task


gradle build -x test

Motivation: Sometimes, during development or debugging, it is necessary to skip the execution of the tests. By excluding the test task with the -x option, the build process will be faster and the output artifacts will be generated without running the tests.

Explanation: The -x option followed by the task name (test in this case) excludes the specified task from being executed. In this example, the test task is excluded from the build process.

Example output: The output will be similar to the previous use case, but without showing the progress and results of the tests.

Use case 3: Run in offline mode


gradle build --offline

Motivation: Running Gradle in offline mode can be useful in situations where there is limited or no internet connectivity. By enabling the offline mode, Gradle will not attempt to access external resources, such as remote repositories, during the build process.

Explanation: The --offline option tells Gradle to run in offline mode. In this mode, Gradle will only use the artifacts and dependencies that are available locally, without attempting to download anything from remote sources.

Example output: The output will be similar to the first use case, but the build process may be faster since no network requests are made.

Use case 4: Clear the build directory


gradle clean

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to start the build process from a clean state. The clean task removes the output artifacts and any generated temporary files, ensuring that a new build is performed from scratch.

Explanation: The clean task is a built-in task provided by Gradle. It removes the build directory and any other generated files. By executing this task before running a new build, any artifacts from previous builds are deleted.

Example output: The output will indicate that the build directory has been cleaned and any generated files have been removed.

Use case 5: Build an Android Package in release mode


gradle assembleRelease

Motivation: When developing Android applications, it is common to create release builds for distribution. The assembleRelease task compiles the source code, packages it into an Android Package (APK) file, and applies any necessary optimizations or signing configurations for the release build.

Explanation: The assembleRelease task is a specific task for building an Android Package in release mode. It performs the necessary steps to generate the optimized and signed APK file that can be distributed to users.

Example output: The output will indicate the progress of the build, and once completed, it will display the location of the generated APK file.

Use case 6: List the main tasks


gradle tasks

Motivation: Gradle provides a wide range of tasks and plugins that can be executed. By listing the main tasks, developers can quickly see the available options and decide which tasks to run.

Explanation: The tasks command displays a list of the main tasks defined in the project. These tasks are typically the ones that developers commonly use during the build and development process.

Example output: The output will list the main tasks available in the project, along with their descriptions.

Use case 7: List all the tasks


gradle tasks --all

Motivation: In addition to the main tasks, Gradle also provides a variety of other tasks and plugins that may not be visible in the regular task listing. By using the --all option, all tasks, including the ones provided by plugins, will be displayed.

Explanation: The --all option tells Gradle to list all tasks, not just the main ones. This allows developers to see the complete set of tasks available in the project, including those added by plugins.

Example output: The output will list all the tasks in the project, including their descriptions and the plugins that provide them.


In this article, we explored various use cases of the gradle command. From compiling a package to listing tasks and building Android Packages, Gradle offers a wide range of capabilities for automating the build process. By understanding these use cases and their corresponding commands, developers can leverage Gradle to simplify their build and deployment workflows.

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