How to use the command 'graphml2gv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'graphml2gv' (with examples)

Graphviz is a potent tool used for visualizing graph descriptions in the DOT language, and graphml2gv is one of its utility commands. This command is specifically designed to convert graphs from the GraphML format to the Graphviz DOT format (often referred to as gv). GraphML is an XML-based file format for graphs, widely used because of its ability to contain complex properties and hierarchies. By converting GraphML files to the more universal gv format, users can leverage Graphviz’s powerful graph rendering capabilities to visualize their data more efficiently. Let’s explore some practical use cases for the graphml2gv command.

Use case 1: Convert a graph from gml to gv format


graphml2gv -o output.gv input.gml


Converting a graph from its native GraphML format to the Graphviz gv format can facilitate integration with the broader Graphviz toolkit, enabling enhanced visualization and analysis options. Users often need a standardized format like gv for compatibility with other tools or for uniformity when managing multiple graph datasets. For instance, when preparing graph visualizations for publications or interactive applications, ensuring they are in a homogeneous format can significantly streamline the workflow.


  • graphml2gv: This is the command used to initiate the conversion.
  • -o output.gv: The -o option specifies the output file. In this example, output.gv is where the converted graph will be saved. The choice of filename denotes that the file is in Graphviz format.
  • input.gml: This is the input file in GraphML format, which is being converted. It contains the original graph data.

Example Output:

Converting this file will produce an output in output.gv that reflects the graph structure defined in input.gml, but in a format that can be rendered and edited using Graphviz tools.

Use case 2: Convert a graph using stdin and stdout


cat input.gml | graphml2gv > output.gv


This use case demonstrates the utility of Unix pipes for managing data streams directly between processes. By using stdin and stdout, users can effectively integrate graphml2gv into larger data processing pipelines without the need for intermediate files. This is highly beneficial when dealing with large datasets or automating graph conversions, as it allows for seamless transitions and reduced I/O operations between stages.


  • cat input.gml: The cat command outputs the content of input.gml. This command reads the file and sends its content to the next process.
  • |: The pipe operator redirects the output of cat as input for the following command.
  • graphml2gv: Receives the graph data from stdin and processes it to convert it.
  • > output.gv: Redirects the output, which is the converted Graphviz graph, into the file called output.gv.

Example Output:

The result is the same as the previous use case: the converted Graphviz graph is saved in output.gv, without creating an intermediate file for the conversion process.

Use case 3: Display help


graphml2gv -?


Displaying help is an essential aspect of understanding and utilizing command-line tools efficiently, especially for new users or those needing a quick reminder of the command’s options. Accessing help information directly from the command line allows users to quickly gain insight into the capabilities and syntax of graphml2gv without needing additional documentation. This is especially useful in situations where internet access is limited or for users who prefer working within terminal environments.


  • graphml2gv: Invokes the command.
  • -?: This option asks the command to display help information about its usage and available options.

Example Output:

The terminal displays a help message summarizing the command’s capabilities, syntax, and available options, allowing users to see how the command should properly be used.


The graphml2gv command is a versatile tool in the Graphviz ecosystem that aids in the conversion of graph formats. Whether you are integrating graph data into a broader workflow, preparing graphs for publication, or simply need a consistent graph format for analysis, understanding how to leverage graphml2gv can significantly enrich your data visualization capabilities. With examples illustrating the conversion process and usage of stdin/stdout, as well as accessing help, these use cases offer clear insights into effectively utilizing the command in various scenarios.

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