How to use the command groupadd (with examples)

How to use the command groupadd (with examples)

The groupadd command is used to add user groups to the system. It allows you to create new groups, including system groups, and also specify the group’s ID. This command is useful for managing user permissions and organizing users into groups for easier administration.

Use case 1: Create a new group


sudo groupadd group_name

Motivation: Creating a new group is useful when you want to organize users into specific categories or grant certain permissions to a group of users.


  • sudo: The command is run with superuser privileges for performing administrative tasks.
  • groupadd: The command itself that creates a new group.
  • group_name: The name of the group you want to create.

Example output:

The group 'group_name' has been created successfully.

Use case 2: Create a new system group


sudo groupadd --system group_name

Motivation: Creating a system group is beneficial when you want to create a group that is used exclusively by the system for specific purposes, such as running services or processes.


  • sudo: The command is run with superuser privileges for performing administrative tasks.
  • groupadd: The command itself that creates a new group.
  • --system: A flag that indicates the group being created is a system group.
  • group_name: The name of the group you want to create.

Example output:

The system group 'group_name' has been created successfully.

Use case 3: Create a new group with the specific groupid


sudo groupadd --gid id group_name

Motivation: Creating a group with a specific group ID can be useful in situations where you need to match the group ID with another system or to maintain consistency when migrating users and groups between systems.


  • sudo: The command is run with superuser privileges for performing administrative tasks.
  • groupadd: The command itself that creates a new group.
  • --gid id: A flag that allows you to specify the group ID.
  • id: The specific group ID you want to assign to the group being created.
  • group_name: The name of the group you want to create.

Example output:

The group 'group_name' with group ID 'id' has been created successfully.


The groupadd command is a powerful tool for adding user groups to a system. It allows you to create new groups, including system groups, and specify the group’s ID. By using this command, you can efficiently manage user permissions, organize users into groups, and facilitate easier system administration.

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