Using the command `grub-script-check` (with examples)

Using the command `grub-script-check` (with examples)

Check a specific script file for syntax errors

The grub-script-check command can be used to check a specific script file for syntax errors. This is useful when dealing with GRUB configuration files to ensure that there are no errors that could potentially cause issues with the boot process.

To check a specific script file for syntax errors, use the following command:

grub-script-check path/to/grub_config_file

Here, path/to/grub_config_file should be replaced with the actual path to the GRUB script file that you want to check.


Suppose you have a GRUB script file located at /etc/grub_config. To check this file for syntax errors, you would run the following command:

grub-script-check /etc/grub_config

The output of this command will indicate whether there are any syntax errors in the specified script file.

Display each line of input after reading it

Sometimes it can be useful to display each line of input after reading it, especially when dealing with complex GRUB configuration files. This can help in identifying any potential issues or understanding how the script is being interpreted.

To enable this feature, use the --verbose option with the grub-script-check command:

grub-script-check --verbose

This will cause the command to display each line of input after reading it.


Let’s say you have a long GRUB script file that you want to check for syntax errors but also want to see each line of input. You can use the following command:

grub-script-check --verbose < /etc/grub_config

In this example, the --verbose option is used in conjunction with input redirection (<) to read the script file from /etc/grub_config. The command will then display each line of input as it is being read.

Display version

It can be useful to know the version of the grub-script-check command that is being used, especially when troubleshooting or seeking assistance. The version information can help in understanding whether any bugs or issues have been addressed in newer versions.

To display the version of grub-script-check, use the following command:

grub-script-check --version

This command will output the version of grub-script-check that is currently installed on your system.


If you want to check the version of grub-script-check, you can simply run the following command:

grub-script-check --version

The output will display the version number, such as “grub-script-check (GRUB) 2.04-2ubuntu3.13”.

Display help

To get more information about the usage and available options of the grub-script-check command, you can display the help page. This can be particularly helpful if you are new to the command or need a refresher on its capabilities.

To display the help page, use the following command:

grub-script-check --help

This will output a detailed description of the grub-script-check command, including information on its usage and available options.


If you want to see the help page for grub-script-check, simply run the following command:

grub-script-check --help

The output will provide a comprehensive guide to using the grub-script-check command, including explanations of each option and example usage.

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