How to use the command "guile" (with examples)

How to use the command "guile" (with examples)

Guile is a Scheme interpreter that allows users to interact with the Scheme programming language. This article provides examples of different use cases for the “guile” command, including starting a REPL, executing a script, executing a Scheme expression, and listening for remote REPL connections.

Use case 1: Start a REPL (interactive shell)



Motivation: Starting a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) can be useful for experimenting with Scheme code, debugging, or simply exploring the language interactively. It provides a way to enter Scheme expressions and immediately see their results.

Explanation: Running the “guile” command without any arguments starts a REPL, which is an interactive shell where you can enter Scheme expressions and get their results.

Example output:

GNU Guile 3.0.5
Copyright (C) 1995-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Guile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `,show w'.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `,show c' for details.

Enter `,news' for a list of new features in this release.
Enter `,help' for help.

Use case 2: Execute the script in a given Scheme file


guile script.scm

Motivation: Executing a Scheme script allows you to run pre-existing Scheme programs saved in a file. This is useful when you have a larger program or a set of functions that you want to run without typing them directly into the REPL.

Explanation: The “guile” command followed by the name of a Scheme file (in this case “script.scm”) executes the script in that file.

Example output:

output of the script execution

Use case 3: Execute a Scheme expression


guile -c "expression"

Motivation: Executing a single Scheme expression directly from the command line can be useful for quick calculations or testing small snippets of code without the need to create a separate script file.

Explanation: The “-c” option followed by the Scheme expression in quotes instructs Guile to execute the provided expression.

Example output:

result of the expression

Use case 4: Listen on a port or a Unix domain socket for remote REPL connections


guile --listen=port_or_socket

Motivation: Listening on a port or a Unix domain socket allows other programs or users to connect to Guile remotely and interact with it using a REPL. This can be useful for collaborative programming or for accessing Guile functionality from another program.

Explanation: The “–listen” option followed by a port number or a Unix domain socket path sets up Guile to listen for remote REPL connections on the specified port or socket.

Example output:

Listening on port_or_socket


The “guile” command provides a versatile and powerful way to interact with the Scheme programming language. Whether you want to start a REPL, execute scripts or expressions, or listen for remote REPL connections, Guile offers a range of options to suit your needs.

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