How to use the command 'gv2gxl' (with examples)

How to use the command 'gv2gxl' (with examples)

The gv2gxl command is part of the Graphviz suite of tools, which is predominantly used for graph visualization. Specifically, gv2gxl is employed to convert graph descriptions in the Graphviz gv format to the Graph eXchange Language (GXL) format. GXL is a standard format for exchanging graph data between different software tools, allowing seamless interoperability for graph-based data manipulation and analysis.

Use case 1: Convert a graph from gv to gxl format


gv2gxl -o output.gxl input.gv


Converting graphs between different formats is often necessary when transitioning between various platforms or frameworks that have their own supported formats. A user working with Graphviz might need to supply their graph to another tool that accepts GXL format. By converting the graph from gv format to gxl, they ensure that their work is compatible with a wider array of tools and applications, fostering better data sharing and collaboration.


  • gv2gxl: This is the command-line tool that begins the process of conversion from gv format to gxl.
  • -o output.gxl: The -o option indicates that the following argument is the output file name. Here, the converted graph will be saved to output.gxl.
  • input.gv: This is the original graph file in gv format that the user wants to convert.

Example Output:

Upon execution, the graph data in input.gv is read and processed by gv2gxl, and a new file named output.gxl is generated, containing the graph data formatted according to GXL specifications.

Use case 2: Convert a graph using stdin and stdout


cat input.gv | gv2gxl > output.gxl


Using stdin and stdout to handle files is a Unix philosophy that allows for greater flexibility, enabling you to chain commands together. This approach allows data from input.gv to be passed directly into gv2gxl without creating intermediate files. Such a method is particularly advantageous when trying to automate processes or handle streams of data where files might be generated dynamically and do not need to be stored permanently.


  • cat input.gv: This command outputs the contents of input.gv, providing it as input to the next stage in the pipeline.
  • |: The pipe operator takes the output of the command on its left (cat input.gv) and uses it as the input for the command on its right (gv2gxl).
  • gv2gxl: Converts the streamed gv content to gxl format.
  • > output.gxl: Redirects the standard output (stdout) of gv2gxl to create a new file called output.gxl with the converted data.

Example Output:

The content of input.gv is piped through gv2gxl, and the resulting GXL format is written to output.gxl. This chain of operations is efficient and makes use of shell features to streamline the conversion process.

Use case 3: Display help


gv2gxl -?


Understanding the available options and correct usage of any command-line tool is vital, especially when operating complex software that supports multiple configurations and modes of operation. By displaying the help information, users can quickly find argument descriptions and usage patterns, allowing them to effectively and efficiently use the tool for their specific needs.


  • gv2gxl: The tool whose functionality is being queried.
  • -?: This argument flags the request for help or user documentation, prompting the tool to print out its usage information and available options.

Example Output:

When executed, the command outputs a concise help message to the terminal, listing detailed information about how to use gv2gxl, including its options and arguments.


The gv2gxl tool is an essential utility within the Graphviz suite for converting graph descriptions from the gv format to the GXL format. By exploring its use cases, users can harness its power to ensure data interoperability, automate workflows, and understand its usage, equipping themselves to work more effectively across different graph-based applications and systems.

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