How to use the command gzexe (with examples)

How to use the command gzexe (with examples)

This article provides examples of how to use the gzexe command, which is used to compress and decompress executable files while keeping them executable. This command creates a backup of the original file, appends ~ to its name, and creates a shell script that uncompresses and executes the binary inside it.

Use case 1: Compress an executable file in-place


gzexe path/to/executable

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to compress an executable file without changing its file name or location. Compressing the executable file in-place helps to save disk space and reduce the file size, while still allowing the file to be executed.

Explanation: The gzexe command is used with the path to the executable file as an argument. This will compress the executable file, and the compressed file will still be executable. The original file will have the ~ symbol appended to its name, indicating it is the backup file.

Example output:

Original executable file: path/to/executable
Compressed executable file: path/to/executable.gz
Backup file: path/to/executable~

Use case 2: Decompress a compressed executable in-place


gzexe -d path/to/compressed_executable

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to convert a compressed executable back to an uncompressed binary. Decompressing the file allows you to execute the binary directly without the need for the shell script wrapper.

Explanation: The -d flag is used with the gzexe command to indicate that the executable file should be decompressed. The path to the compressed executable file is specified as an argument. After decompression, the shell script wrapper is removed, and the original file is restored.

Example output:

Compressed executable file: path/to/compressed_executable.gz
Decompressed executable file: path/to/compressed_executable
Original backup file: path/to/compressed_executable~


The gzexe command is a useful tool for compressing and decompressing executable files while keeping them executable. With the provided examples, you can easily compress and decompress executable files, saving disk space and preserving the executability of the files.

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