How to use the command hakyll-init (with examples)

How to use the command hakyll-init (with examples)

Hakyll is a static site generator library written in Haskell. The hakyll-init command is used to generate a new Hakyll sample blog, providing a starting point for creating static websites.

Use case 1: Generate a new Hakyll sample blog


hakyll-init path/to/directory


The motivation for using this example is to quickly set up a new Hakyll sample blog and start working on a static website. By generating a new Hakyll sample blog, users can save time by having a pre-configured project structure and initial files.


  • hakyll-init: This command initializes a new Hakyll sample blog.
  • path/to/directory: This argument specifies the directory where the new Hakyll sample blog will be generated. Replace path/to/directory with the desired path to the project directory.

Example output:

Initializing new Hakyll sample blog at path/to/directory...
Successfully created new Hakyll sample blog.

Use case 2: Show help for hakyll-init


hakyll-init --help


The motivation for using this example is to get more information and better understand the options and functionalities of the hakyll-init command. By using the --help flag, users can access the command’s help documentation.


  • hakyll-init: This command shows the help documentation for the hakyll-init command.
  • --help: This flag is used to display the help documentation for the command.

Example output:

Usage: hakyll-init [--verbose]
  Generate a new Hakyll sample blog.

Available options:
  --verbose                Enable verbose output.
  -h,--help                Show this help text.


The hakyll-init command is a useful tool for generating a new Hakyll sample blog and getting started with static website development. By using this command, users can save time and have a pre-configured project structure that serves as a starting point for creating their own static websites. Additionally, the --help flag provides detailed information about the command’s options and functionalities, making it easier for users to understand and utilize the hakyll-init command effectively.

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