How to use the command 'hcloud' (with examples)

How to use the command 'hcloud' (with examples)

The hcloud command-line interface (CLI) is a utility designed to manage resources on the Hetzner Cloud platform. It enables users to create, configure, and monitor cloud servers, networks, and other resources programmatically via a terminal. Through this interface, developers and system administrators can efficiently manage their cloud infrastructure, automate tasks, and integrate with other tools and scripts. The hcloud CLI provides a simple and effective way to interact with the Hetzner Cloud API without needing to use the web console.

Use case 1: Show available commands and flags




Executing the hcloud command without any additional arguments is a straightforward way to discover the breadth of functionalities offered by the CLI. This is akin to having a map before you embark on navigating through various features and functions of the Hetzner Cloud platform. For new users, this step is crucial as it provides a comprehensive overview of the available commands, helping to demystify the possibilities of the CLI right from the start. Experienced users too might find this reminder helpful when exploring new updates or lesser-used commands.


  • hcloud: This is the root command of the Hetzner Cloud CLI. Running it by itself triggers a list of all the available subcommands and options, effectively serving as a reference menu. This summary guides users in exploring specific functionalities they might want to execute or learn more about.

Example Output:

Hetzner Cloud CLI

  hcloud [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate completion script
  context     Manage contexts
  floating-ip Manage Floating IPs
  image       Manage images
  location    Manage locations
  network     Manage networks
  server      Manage servers
  volume      Manage volumes

  -h, --help   help for hcloud

Use "hcloud [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Use case 2: Display help


hcloud -h


In any command-line tool, understanding how to access help options is pivotal. The -h or --help flag is especially beneficial when you want a quick reminder of the syntax, arguments, or options available for a command without being overwhelmed. This use case exemplifies a concise and easily accessible format that provides guidance and insights into using the CLI effectively. It is particularly useful for quickly addressing confusion or refreshing one’s memory about command usage.


  • hcloud: Invokes the Hetzner Cloud CLI.
  • -h or --help: This flag is the universal and traditional command-line argument to request help content. When appended to the hcloud command, it outputs a guide that contains usage information, a list of all possible subcommands, and available flags for the tool.

Example Output:

Hetzner Cloud CLI

  hcloud [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate completion script
  context     Manage contexts
  floating-ip Manage Floating IPs
  image       Manage images
  -h, --help   Show help for command

Use "hcloud [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Use case 3: Show available commands and flags for hcloud contexts


hcloud context


Contexts in hcloud are used to manage access to different projects or environments within Hetzner Cloud. Each context represents a different configuration, typically with its own set of API credentials and settings. Understanding how to manage these contexts is crucial in environments where multiple projects need to be isolated or when several team members share the same infrastructure but operate within distinct boundaries. By examining available commands for hcloud context, users can efficiently switch between and manipulate these settings, maintaining organized access control and configuration management.


  • hcloud: This begins the command invocation for the Hetzner Cloud CLI.
  • context: This specific subcommand is dedicated to managing and interacting with different contexts. It allows users to list, set, unset, and create contexts for better management of diverse environments within their Hetzner Cloud configurations.

Example Output:

Manage contexts

  hcloud context [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new context
  delete      Delete a context
  list        List all contexts
  set-current Set the current context
  unset       Unset (delete) the current context

  -h, --help   Show help for command on context

Use "hcloud context [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The hcloud CLI provides a structured and efficient method for managing various aspects of the Hetzner Cloud environment. With commands like hcloud, hcloud -h, and hcloud context, users can navigate the CLI, seek guidance, and manage essential settings such as contexts effectively. These commands form the backbone of the hcloud CLI usage, granting users the ability to efficiently configure, control, and automate their cloud resource management.

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