How to use the command `hcloud` (with examples)

How to use the command `hcloud` (with examples)

The command hcloud is a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool for Hetzner Cloud. It allows users to manage their Hetzner Cloud resources and perform various operations through the command line. This article provides examples of different use cases for the hcloud command.

Use case 1: Show available commands and flags




This use case is useful when a user wants to see a list of available commands and flags provided by the hcloud command-line tool. It helps users understand the capabilities of the tool and how to use it for different operations.


Running the hcloud command without any additional arguments will display a list of available commands and flags. This information provides an overview of the available functionality and can be used as a reference when using the tool.

Example output:

Hetzner Cloud CLI

  hcloud [command]

Available Commands:
  context         Manage contexts
  floating-ip     Manage Floating IPs
  help            Help about any command
  image           Manage Images
  server          Manage Servers
  ssh-key         Manage SSH keys
  volume          Manage Volumes


Use case 2: Show help for hcloud


hcloud -h


This use case is helpful when a user needs detailed information about the hcloud command and its options. It provides a comprehensive overview of the available flags and how to use them.


By appending the -h flag to the hcloud command, the user can access a detailed help message. It contains information about the available flags, how to use them, and provides examples for different use cases.

Example output:

  hcloud [command]

Available Commands:
  context         Manage contexts
  floating-ip     Manage Floating IPs
  help            Help about any command
  image           Manage Images
  server          Manage Servers
  ssh-key         Manage SSH keys
  volume          Manage Volumes

  -h, --help   help for hcloud


Additional help topics:
  hcloud context
  hcloud floating-ip
  hcloud image
  hcloud server
  hcloud ssh-key
  hcloud volume

Use case 3: Show available commands and flags for hcloud contexts


hcloud context


This use case is useful when managing multiple Hetzner Cloud accounts or contexts. It enables the user to switch between different contexts and manage them effectively.


Running the hcloud context command without any additional arguments displays a list of available commands for managing contexts. Contexts are used to manage multiple Hetzner Cloud accounts, making it easier for users to switch between different accounts and perform operations within the desired context.

Example output:

Manage contexts

  hcloud context [flags]
  hcloud context [command]

Available Commands:
  activate    Set the active context
  create      Create a new context
  delete      Delete a context
  list        List available contexts
  show        Show information about a context

  -h, --help   help for context

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.hcloud.yaml)

Use "hcloud context [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The hcloud command-line tool provides a comprehensive set of commands and flags for managing Hetzner Cloud resources. By using this tool, users can efficiently manage their Hetzner Cloud accounts, perform various operations, and automate cloud infrastructure management tasks. The ability to access detailed help information and manage multiple contexts makes it a versatile command-line tool for Hetzner Cloud users.

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