How to use the command `hdparm` (with examples)

How to use the command `hdparm` (with examples)

The hdparm command is used to get and set SATA and IDE hard drive parameters. It allows users to retrieve information about a device, control power management settings, and test the read speed of a specific device. This article will provide examples of each of these use cases to demonstrate how the hdparm command can be utilized.

Use case 1: Request the identification info of a given device


sudo hdparm -I /dev/device

Motivation: Retrieving the identification information of a device can be useful to obtain specific details about the hard drive, including its model, serial number, firmware version, and supported features.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -I: This option stands for “identity” and is used to request identification information about the device.
  • /dev/device: The path to the device you want to retrieve the identification info for.

Example output:


ATA device, with non-removable media
	Model Number:       ST2000DM008-2FR102
	Serial Number:      ABC123456789
	Firmware Revision:  CC26
	Transport:          Serial, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions, SATA Rev 2.5, SATA Rev 2.6, SATA Rev 3.0
	Used: unknown (minor revision code 0x0000)
	Supported: 10 9 8 7 6 5
	Not supported: 4 3 2 1 0
Command set coenabled: NOP

Use case 2: Get the Advanced Power Management level


sudo hdparm -B /dev/device

Motivation: Checking the Advanced Power Management (APM) level can help identify the current power-saving configuration of the hard drive, enabling users to optimize power consumption if necessary.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -B: This option stands for “APM” and is used to get the Advanced Power Management level.
  • /dev/device: The path to the device you want to retrieve the APM level for.

Example output:

	Advanced power management level: 128

Use case 3: Set the Advanced Power Management value


sudo hdparm -B 1 /dev/device

Motivation: By setting the Advanced Power Management value, users can control the power-saving behavior of their hard drives, such as enabling spin-down to reduce power consumption.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -B: This option stands for “APM” and is used to set the Advanced Power Management value.
  • 1: The desired APM value, where values from 1 to 127 permit spin-down, and values from 128 to 254 prevent spin-down.
  • /dev/device: The path to the device you want to set the APM value for.

Example output:

	apm_level = 1

Use case 4: Display the device’s current power mode status


sudo hdparm -C /dev/device

Motivation: Checking the power mode status of a device can provide information on whether the hard drive is currently idle, active, or in standby mode.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -C: This option stands for “Check” and is used to display the device’s current power mode status.
  • /dev/device: The path to the device you want to retrieve the power mode status for.

Example output:

    drive state is:  standby

Use case 5: Force a drive to immediately enter standby mode


sudo hdparm -y /dev/device

Motivation: Forcing a drive to enter standby mode can be useful for power-saving purposes, as it causes the drive to spin down and conserve energy when it is not actively in use.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -y: This option stands for “immediately Check” and is used to force the drive to enter standby mode.
  • /dev/device: The path to the device you want to force into standby mode.

Example output:

    setting standby to 1 (5 seconds)

Use case 6: Put the drive into idle (low-power) mode, also setting its standby timeout


sudo hdparm -S standby_timeout device

Motivation: Putting a drive into idle mode and configuring the standby timeout can help optimize power management by specifying how long the drive should remain idle before entering standby mode.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -S: This option stands for “Standby timeout” and is used to specify the timeout value in 5-second increments.
  • standby_timeout: The desired standby timeout value.
  • device: The path to the device you want to put into idle mode.

Example output:

    setting standby to 60 (300 seconds)

Use case 7: Test the read speed of a specific device


sudo hdparm -tT device

Motivation: Testing the read speed of a device can provide insights into its performance capabilities and help identify any potential bottlenecks in the data transfer rate.


  • sudo: This prefix is used to run the hdparm command with administrative privileges.
  • hdparm: The command itself.
  • -tT: This option stands for “test Timing” and is used to perform a read speed test on the device.
  • device: The path to the device you want to test the read speed for.

Example output:

    Timing buffered disk reads:  400 MB in  3.00 seconds = 133.33 MB/sec


The hdparm command is a versatile tool for managing and optimizing the power management settings of SATA and IDE hard drives. With it, users can retrieve identification information, control power-saving behavior, and test the read speed of their devices. By understanding the different use cases and options available with hdparm, users can effectively monitor and configure their hard drives for optimal performance and power consumption.

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