How to use the command "hello" (with examples)

How to use the command "hello" (with examples)

The command “hello” is a simple command that allows you to print “Hello, world!”, “hello, world” or a customizable text. It can be used in various scenarios to showcase the functioning of a command-line interface or to display a custom greeting message.

Use case 1: Print “Hello, world!”



Motivation: This use case is commonly used in programming communities as a way to introduce beginners to programming. It is usually the first program that someone writes when learning a new programming language.

Explanation: The command “hello” without any additional arguments will simply print “Hello, world!” to the console. It serves as a simple way to test if the command is installed correctly and working as expected.

Example output:

Hello, world!

Use case 2: Print “hello, world” (the traditional type)


hello --traditional

Motivation: The traditional “hello, world” format is widely recognized by programmers as a way to welcome them to the programming world. This use case may be used to display a nostalgic greeting.

Explanation: The argument “–traditional” is passed to the “hello” command to print “hello, world” instead of the default “Hello, world!”. This argument is available for users who prefer the traditional format.

Example output:

hello, world

Use case 3: Print a text message


hello --greeting="greeting_text"

Motivation: Sometimes, a generic greeting message may not suffice. This use case allows users to customize the greeting message according to their needs.

Explanation: By adding the argument “–greeting” followed by a custom text message enclosed in quotes, the “hello” command can be used to print a personalized greeting. This provides users the flexibility to tailor the output as per their requirements.

Example output:



The “hello” command is a versatile tool that serves multiple purposes. It can be used to print standard greetings, traditional greetings, or customized messages. Understanding these different use cases allows users to fully leverage the capabilities of the command and make the output more meaningful.

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