How to use the command "hg commit" (with examples)

How to use the command "hg commit" (with examples)

Mercurial is a distributed version control system that allows users to manage their source code efficiently. One of the most frequently used commands in Mercurial is “hg commit”, which allows users to commit their changes to the repository. This command is essential for tracking modifications and keeping a history of the project.

Use case 1: Commit staged files to the repository


hg commit

Motivation: When working on a project, it is common to stage specific files that have been modified for a particular purpose. However, before those changes can be saved permanently, they need to be committed to the repository. Using the “hg commit” command without any additional arguments will commit all the staged files to the repository.

Explanation: The command “hg commit” is used to commit all staged files in the working directory to the repository. Staged files are the files that have been modified after the last commit but have not yet been added to the repository. By running “hg commit” without any additional arguments, all the staged files will be included in the commit.

Example output:

committing changesets

Use case 2: Commit a specific file or directory


hg commit path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: In some cases, you may only want to commit a specific file or directory to the repository. This can be useful if you have made changes to multiple files but want to separate the commits for better code organization or to address specific issues.

Explanation: To commit a specific file or directory, you need to provide the path to that file or directory as an argument to the “hg commit” command. By doing so, only the specified file or directory will be included in the commit, while all other changes will remain unstaged.

Example output:

committing changesets

Use case 3: Commit with a specific message


hg commit --message message

Motivation: When committing changes, it is important to provide a meaningful message that describes the purpose of the commit. By specifying a custom message, you can communicate the changes made in a concise and descriptive manner, making it easier for other developers to understand the purpose of the commit.

Explanation: To include a specific message with the commit, you can use the “–message” (or “-m”) option followed by the desired message. This message will be associated with the commit and can be useful for tracking changes, code reviews, or project documentation.

Example output:

committing changesets

Use case 4: Commit all files matching a specified pattern


hg commit --include pattern

Motivation: At times, you may want to commit only specific files that match a particular pattern. This can be useful when working with a large codebase and you want to focus on committing changes to a specific subset of files, such as all JavaScript files or all test files.

Explanation: To commit all files matching a specified pattern, you can use the “–include” option followed by the desired pattern. Mercurial will only consider files that match the specified pattern for the commit and ignore all other changes.

Example output:

committing changesets

Use case 5: Commit all files, excluding those that match a specified pattern


hg commit --exclude pattern

Motivation: In certain situations, you may want to commit all changes except for those that match a specific pattern. This can be useful when you have multiple changes across various files but want to exclude certain files before committing.

Explanation: To commit all files while excluding those that match a specific pattern, you can use the “–exclude” option followed by the desired pattern. Mercurial will include all changes except for files that match the specified pattern in the commit.

Example output:

committing changesets

Use case 6: Commit using the interactive mode


hg commit --interactive

Motivation: When committing changes, it can be beneficial to review the modifications before finalizing the commit. The interactive mode allows you to carefully review the changes and select which files or chunks of code to include in the commit, offering greater control over the final commit.

Explanation: By using the “–interactive” (or “-i”) option, Mercurial will open an interactive interface where you can review individual changes at a granular level. You can choose to include or exclude specific files or chunks of code, modify commit messages, and even split changes into multiple commits.

Example output:

committing changesets


The “hg commit” command is a powerful tool in Mercurial that enables developers to save their changes permanently in the repository. By understanding and utilizing the various options available with this command, such as committing specific files, including/excluding files based on patterns, or using the interactive mode for more granular control, developers can ensure efficient version control and maintain a well-documented project history.

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