How to use the command 'hg remove' (with examples)

How to use the command 'hg remove' (with examples)

The ‘hg remove’ command in Mercurial is used to remove specified files from the staging area. It allows users to selectively remove files or directories from the staging area, based on certain criteria or patterns. This command is often used when users want to unstage files or remove them completely from the repository.

Use case 1: Remove files or directories from the staging area


hg remove path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove a specific file or directory from the staging area. By using the ‘hg remove’ command followed by the path of the file or directory, you can easily unstage it.

Explanation: Here, ‘path/to/file’ represents the path to the file or directory that you want to remove from the staging area. This can be a relative or absolute path.

Example output:

file 'path/to/file' was removed successfully

Use case 2: Remove all staged files matching a specified pattern


hg remove --include pattern

Motivation: Sometimes you may want to remove multiple files or directories from the staging area based on a specific pattern. This use case allows you to remove all files matching the specified pattern with ease.

Explanation: The ‘–include’ argument is used to specify a pattern to match the filenames or paths of the files you want to remove. The ‘pattern’ represents the specific pattern you want to match. This can be a regular expression or a simple wildcard pattern.

Example output:

removed 3 files

Use case 3: Remove all staged files, excluding those that match a specified pattern


hg remove --exclude pattern

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to remove all files from the staging area, except for those that match a specific pattern. This use case allows you to achieve that by excluding files matching the specified pattern.

Explanation: The ‘–exclude’ argument is used to specify a pattern to match the filenames or paths of the files you want to exclude from removing. The ‘pattern’ represents the specific pattern you want to match. This can be a regular expression or a simple wildcard pattern.

Example output:

removed 5 files

Use case 4: Recursively remove sub-repositories


hg remove --subrepos

Motivation: When working with nested repositories, you may want to remove sub-repositories recursively. This use case allows you to remove all sub-repositories present within the main repository.

Explanation: The ‘–subrepos’ argument instructs Mercurial to recursively remove sub-repositories. This means that all the nested repositories within the main repository will be removed.

Example output:

removed 2 sub-repositories

Use case 5: Remove files from the repository that have been physically removed


hg remove --after

Motivation: If you have deleted files from the repository’s working directory manually (by using other means outside Mercurial), you can use this use case to remove the deleted files from the repository.

Explanation: The ‘–after’ argument allows you to remove files from the repository that no longer exist in the working directory. Mercurial will compare the files in the repository with the files in the working directory and remove any files that no longer exist.

Example output:

removed 4 files


The ‘hg remove’ command in Mercurial provides various use cases to manage your staging area and remove files from the repository. By using specific arguments like ‘–include’, ‘–exclude’, ‘–subrepos’, and ‘–after’, you can tailor the ‘hg remove’ command to suit your needs. Whether you want to remove specific files, remove files based on patterns, or even remove sub-repositories, the ‘hg remove’ command has you covered.

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