How to use the command 'hipstopgm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'hipstopgm' (with examples)

The ‘hipstopgm’ command is a utility that reads a HIPS file as input and returns a PGM image as output. It is a part of the Netpbm package and is used for converting HIPS files to the PGM image format. The command can also concatenate multiple frames from a HIPS file vertically.

Use case 1: Convert a HIPS file into a PGM image


hipstopgm path/to/file.hips

Motivation: This use case illustrates how to convert a HIPS file to the PGM image format using the ‘hipstopgm’ command. This can be useful when working with HIPS files in scenarios where the PGM image format is required.


  • ‘hipstopgm’ is the name of the command being used.
  • ‘path/to/file.hips’ is the path of the HIPS file that needs to be converted.

Example output:

# CREATOR: Conversion program for HIPS files
512 512
128 255 128 255 128 255 ...

In the example output, the first line “P2” indicates that the output file is in the PGM format. The following lines provide additional information about the image, such as the width and height (512x512 in this case), and the maximum pixel value (255). The subsequent lines contain the pixel values of the image.

Use case 2: Suppress all informational messages


hipstopgm -quiet

Motivation: This use case demonstrates how to suppress all informational messages generated by the ‘hipstopgm’ command. This can be useful when running the command in a script or application where only the output image is required, and messages may interfere with the intended functionality.


  • ‘hipstopgm’ is the name of the command being used.
  • ‘-quiet’ is an argument used with the command to suppress informational messages.

Example output: (No output is displayed as messages are suppressed)

Use case 3: Display version


hipstopgm -version

Motivation: This use case shows how to retrieve the version of the ‘hipstopgm’ command. It can be helpful to know the version of the command for troubleshooting purposes or determining compatibility with other tools or scripts.


  • ‘hipstopgm’ is the name of the command being used.
  • ‘-version’ is an argument used to request the display of the command version.

Example output:

Netpbm Version: 10.86.01

In the example output, the version of the ‘hipstopgm’ command is displayed as “10.86.01”.


The ‘hipstopgm’ command is a versatile utility for converting HIPS files to the PGM image format. It provides various options to customize the execution, such as suppressing informational messages and retrieving the version. Understanding these different use cases will help users effectively utilize the ‘hipstopgm’ command in their workflows.

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