How to Use the Command 'hive' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'hive' (with Examples)

Apache Hive is a data warehouse software project built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data query and analysis. Hive provides an interface similar to SQL to query data stored in various databases and file systems that integrate with Hadoop. The hive command is a CLI tool that allows users to interact with the Hive service efficiently.

Use Case 1: Start a Hive Interactive Shell



The Hive interactive shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact directly with the Hive service. It is particularly useful for developers and analysts who want to prototype Hive queries, perform ad-hoc analyses, or perform quick data exploration. By utilizing the interactive shell, users can input HiveQL commands and see immediate results, which aids in learning and experimentation.


  • The hive command by itself launches the interactive shell mode of Hive, allowing the operator to run Hive queries directly. No additional arguments are needed as this command assumes that the user wants an interactive session.

Example Output:


Upon entering the command, you will be greeted with a prompt, allowing you to start typing HiveQL queries immediately.

Use Case 2: Run HiveQL


hive -e "SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 10"

Running HiveQL directly from the command line can be beneficial when you need to execute a single query or a series of quick commands without the need to enter the interactive shell. It can be useful for scripting or automation processes where immediate query results are required.


  • -e: This option specifies that the following string is a HiveQL query to be executed. The string within the quotes ("SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 10") is the actual query being executed.

Example Output:

emp_id, emp_name, emp_role
1, John Doe, Manager
2, Jane Smith, Developer

The output will display the first 10 rows of the employees table as specified in the HiveQL query.

Use Case 3: Run a HiveQL File with a Variable Substitution


hive --define department=Engineering -f path/to/employees_by_department.sql

Using parameterized HiveQL files is vital for managing dynamic queries and large-scale data processing jobs. It allows the user to substitute specific values within the script at runtime, making it reusable across different contexts. This feature is especially beneficial when working with scripts that need to run in different environments or datasets.


  • --define: This argument allows users to define a variable (department=Engineering) that can be leveraged within the HiveQL script.
  • -f: This argument points to the file path (path/to/employees_by_department.sql) where the HiveQL script is stored.

Example Output:

emp_id, emp_name, department
3, Alice Johnson, Engineering
4, Sam Brown, Engineering

The output will populate based on the substituted variable, displaying employees related to the specified department.

Use Case 4: Run a HiveQL with HiveConfig


hive --hiveconf mapred.reduce.tasks=32 -e "SELECT dept, AVG(salary) FROM salaries GROUP BY dept"

Configuring Hive execution properties on the fly allows users to optimize query performance efficiently. By adjusting the number of reduce tasks, users can tailor the resource usage and performance characteristics of their queries to better suit the hardware and workload demands.


  • --hiveconf: This option is used to pass configuration properties (mapred.reduce.tasks=32) directly to the query at runtime.
  • -e: Designates that the following string is a query, in this case, aggregating average salaries grouped by department.

Example Output:

dept, avg_salary
HR, 75000
Engineering, 85000

The command outputs average salaries per department, executing with 32 reduce tasks as configured, ideally processing the query faster based on the specified allocation.


The Apache Hive CLI is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with large datasets stored in a Hadoop environment easily. From interactive exploration to batch processing with configuration customization, it provides flexibility and efficiency for data analysts and engineers addressing complex queries and datasets. Understanding these key use cases can enhance your ability to utilize Hive effectively within your data processing and analysis tasks.

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