Using httprobe (with examples)

Using httprobe (with examples)

1: Probe a list of domains from a text file

cat input_file | httprobe

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you have a list of domains stored in a text file and you want to check if there are any working HTTP or HTTPS servers for each domain.

Explanation: The cat command is used to read the contents of the input file and pass it as input to httprobe. httprobe will then probe each domain to check if there is a working HTTP or HTTPS server.

Example Output:

2: Only check for HTTP if HTTPS is not working

cat input_file | httprobe --prefer-https

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to prioritize checking if there is a working HTTPS server, but also fall back to checking HTTP if HTTPS is not available.

Explanation: The --prefer-https flag tells httprobe to prioritize checking HTTPS servers first. If HTTPS is not working for a domain, httprobe will then check if there is a working HTTP server.

Example Output:

3: Probe additional ports with a given protocol

cat input_file | httprobe -p https:2222

Motivation: Sometimes, you may have specific ports other than the default HTTPS port (port 443) that you want to probe for.

Explanation: The -p flag followed by the protocol and port number is used to specify which additional ports should be probed. In this example, we are probing the HTTPS protocol with port 2222. httprobe will check if there is a working HTTPS server on port 2222 for each domain.

Example Output:

4: Output all available options

httprobe --help

Motivation: If you want to get more information about the available options and flags for httprobe, you can use the --help flag.

Explanation: The --help flag displays a detailed usage guide and the available options for the httprobe command.

Example Output:

Usage: httprobe [options]
Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS servers.

  -c, --concurrent int   set the concurrency level (default 50)
  -f, --file string      file containing domains
  -p, --probe string     specify a protocol and port to probe (default "https")
  --prefer-https         only check HTTP if HTTPS fails
  --prefer-http          only check HTTPS if HTTP fails
  --timeout duration    maximum time allowed for probing (default 5s)
  --version              display the version number and exit

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