hub ci-status (with examples)

hub ci-status (with examples)


The hub ci-status command is a useful tool for displaying the status of GitHub checks. It provides information about the continuous integration (CI) status for a branch or a specific commit in a repository. By using this command, users can quickly check the status of various CI workflows and make informed decisions based on the results.

In this article, we will explore three different use cases of the hub ci-status command, providing corresponding code examples, motivations, explanations for each argument, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Checking CI status for a branch

Code Example

hub ci-status --verbose


  • You want to view the status of all GitHub checks for the current or a specific branch in your repository.
  • Checking the CI status helps you identify whether all required checks have passed. It helps ensure the overall quality and stability of your codebase.


  • The ci-status subcommand is used to display the status of GitHub checks for a branch.
  • The --verbose flag provides detailed information about each check, including the check name, status, and output.

Example Output

Checks for branch 'main':

✔ Check 1: Passed
    Output: No issues found.

✖ Check 2: Failed
    Output: Compilation error in file ''.

Checks for branch 'feature-branch':

✔ Check 1: Passed
    Output: No issues found.

✔ Check 2: Passed
    Output: All tests passed successfully.

Use Case 2: Checking CI status for a specific commit

Code Example

hub ci-status --verbose commit_SHA


  • You need to view the CI status for a specific commit in your repository.
  • Checking the CI status at a commit level can help identify the impact of changes and ensure the stability of your codebase.


  • The commit_SHA argument specifies the commit for which you want to check the CI status.
  • The --verbose flag provides detailed information about each check, including the check name, status, and output.

Example Output

Checks for commit '7a3f185f9f85c8bd75d0974f58e9e4f3e4c16a30':

✔ Check 1: Passed
    Output: No issues found.

✔ Check 2: Passed
    Output: All tests passed successfully.

Use Case 3: Checking CI status for a pull request

Code Example

hub ci-status --verbose "pull_request_URL"


  • You want to view the CI status for a specific pull request in your repository.
  • Checking the CI status of pull requests helps ensure that proposed changes meet the required quality criteria before merging.


  • The pull_request_URL argument specifies the URL of the pull request for which you want to check the CI status.
  • The --verbose flag provides detailed information about each check, including the check name, status, and output.

Example Output

Checks for Pull Request #42:

✔ Check 1: Passed
    Output: No issues found.

✖ Check 2: Failed
    Output: Compilation error in file ''.

✖ Check 3: Failed
    Output: Code coverage below threshold.

✔ Check 4: Passed
    Output: All tests passed successfully.


The hub ci-status command is a powerful tool for displaying the status of GitHub checks in a repository. By using this command, users can easily obtain information about CI status on branches, specific commits, or pull requests. This article explored three common use cases of the command, providing code examples, motivations, explanations for each argument, and example outputs. Incorporating hub ci-status into your development workflow can help improve code quality, identify issues early, and ensure the stability of your project.

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