How to use the command 'hub' (with examples)

How to use the command 'hub' (with examples)

The hub command is a powerful wrapper for Git that adds functionality specifically designed for interacting with GitHub-based projects. By setting up aliases as instructed by the hub alias, developers can seamlessly execute GitHub-related commands directly from their command line, integrating Git with GitHub workflows. This tool is beneficial for developers who frequently contribute to open-source projects on GitHub, as it simplifies various tasks such as cloning repositories, managing pull requests, forking projects, and syncing forks with upstream changes.

Clone a repository using its slug


hub clone username/repo_name


Cloning a repository is often the first step when you want to contribute to a project, customize it for personal use, or simply inspect its codebase. The hub clone command allows you to clone a GitHub repository using a concise slug format. This is a convenience feature that removes the need to type out the full repository URL and provides a quicker and more intuitive means to access projects hosted on GitHub.


  • hub: This prefix indicates that we are using the additional functionality provided by the hub command, as opposed to plain Git commands.
  • clone: This is the Git command to create a local copy of a repository.
  • username/repo_name: This is the repository slug. By specifying just the username and repository name, hub can deduce the full GitHub URL and execute the cloning process.

Example output:

Cloning into 'repo_name'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 100, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (100/100), done.

Create a fork of the current repository


hub fork


Forking a repository is a fundamental aspect of contributing to open-source projects. By creating a fork, you are essentially making a copy of the original repository into your GitHub account where you have write permissions. This allows you to experiment with changes, implement enhancements, or fix bugs without affecting the original project. The hub fork command automates this process with a simple command, making cooperation within the open-source community more accessible and streamlined.


  • hub: Utilizes the hub command to extend Git capabilities for GitHub-specific actions.
  • fork: This command signals the creation of a personal copy of the original repository under the user’s GitHub account.

Example output:

Updating origin

Push the current local branch to GitHub and create a PR for it in the original repository


hub push remote_name && hub pull-request


Once you’ve developed a new feature or a fix on a local branch, you will want others to review and potentially integrate your work into the original project. The process typically involves pushing your branch to GitHub and then opening a pull request (PR). The hub command combines these steps into a seamless operation, which enhances productivity by reducing the amount of manual work needed and linking changes to existing remote branches efficiently.


  • hub: Specifies the use of the hub command.
  • push: A standard Git command that updates a remote repository with local changes.
  • remote_name: This is generally the name of the remote repository, often ‘origin’ for a fork or ‘upstream’ for the original project.
  • &&: A shell logical operator that indicates that the following command should run only if the previous one is successful.
  • pull-request: This hub-specific command automates the creation of a pull request after the branch has been pushed to a remote repository.

Example output:

Creating pull request for branch_name into base_branch (repo_name)

Create a PR of the current (already pushed) branch, reusing the message from the first commit


hub pull-request --no-edit


When you have a branch that has been pushed to a remote repository and you wish to create a pull request without additional messaging or explanation, this command is highly efficient. It automatically adopts the commit message from the first commit on the branch, saving time and ensuring consistency in document titles when those messages are introspective and informative.


  • hub: This prefix indicates the use of the hub command.
  • pull-request: Initiates the creation of a pull request.
  • --no-edit: This flag automatically uses the message from the first commit for the pull request, avoiding the need for manual message entry.

Example output:

Creating pull request for branch_name into base_branch (repo_name)

Create a new branch with the contents of a pull request and switch to it


hub pr checkout pr_number


When reviewing contributions from other collaborators, one might need to test or review the changes locally. The ability to check out a specific pull request directly into a new local branch is invaluable. It avoids manually creating branches and searching for the associated commits or changes. The hub pr checkout command streamlines this action into one efficient step, enhancing code review productivity.


  • hub: Engages the hub functionality for GitHub interactions.
  • pr: Indicates that the command is related to pull request handling.
  • checkout: This is a Git command to switch branches or restore working tree files.
  • pr_number: This specifies which pull request should be checked out.

Example output:

Branch 'pr_branch_name' set up to track remote branch 'pr_branch_name' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'pr_branch_name'

Upload the current (local-only) repository to your GitHub account


hub create


When developing a new project locally, there often comes a point when you’d like to share your progress or collaborate with others. Uploading your local repository to GitHub makes it accessible and opens the door to collaboration. By using hub create, you can easily initialize a new remote repository in your GitHub account based on your local project, effectively making your code available online in a streamlined manner.


  • hub: Employs the GitHub-focused features of the hub command.
  • create: Commands hub to create a new repository on GitHub using the contents of your current local repository.

Example output:

Updating origin

Fetch Git objects from upstream and update local branches


hub sync


Staying updated with the latest changes in the original repository is crucial when working on different branches derived from an upstream project. hub sync is a command that fetches new updates from the upstream source and then synchronizes your local branches accordingly. This feature is vital for maintaining an up-to-date working environment, preventing merge conflicts, and ensuring that your contributions are based on the latest codebase.


  • hub: Involves the hub enhancement for Git functions.
  • sync: This operation aggregates fetching updates from the upstream repository and adjusts the local branches to align with them.

Example output:

Synchronizing all branches...


The hub command presents an enhanced interfacing layer that bridges Git and GitHub, offering a seamless command-line experience for developers. Each use case exemplifies how hub simplifies and intensifies the integration of Git with GitHub workflows. These examples illustrate its utility spanning the routine processes of project initialization, development, collaboration, and maintenance, all while facilitating a more efficient and effective approach to managing code within the GitHub ecosystem.

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