How to use the command `hub issue` (with examples)

How to use the command `hub issue` (with examples)

The hub issue command is a command line tool that allows you to manage Github issues directly from your terminal. It provides convenient functionalities for listing and displaying issues, as well as searching for specific issues based on labels, assignees, and more.

Use case 1: List the last 10 issues with the bug label


hub issue list --limit 10 --labels "bug"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly view the latest issues related to bugs in a repository. By specifying the --labels parameter with the value of “bug”, you can filter out only the issues with the bug label.


  • hub issue list: This subcommand lists issues.
  • --limit 10: This argument limits the number of issues displayed to 10.
  • --labels "bug": This argument filters the issues based on the label “bug”.

Example output:

1. Issue title: Fix bug with login page
   Issue number: #456
   Labels: bug

2. Issue title: Unable to save changes
   Issue number: #457
   Labels: bug

3. Issue title: Crash on startup
   Issue number: #458
   Labels: bug


Use case 2: Display a specific issue


hub issue show issue_number

Motivation: You might want to retrieve detailed information about a specific issue, including its description, comments, and history. The hub issue show command allows you to retrieve this information by specifying the issue number.


  • hub issue show: This subcommand shows the details of a specific issue.
  • issue_number: This argument represents the number of the issue you want to display.

Example output:

Issue title: Fix bug with login page
Issue number: #456
Author: john-doe
Labels: bug
State: open

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

1. Comment by jane-doe:
   This bug is causing major issues and needs to be addressed urgently.

2. Comment by frank-smith:
   I agree with jane-doe, let's prioritize this bug fix.


Use case 3: List 10 closed issues assigned to a specific user


hub issue --state closed --assignee username --limit 10

Motivation: When you are working in a team, it can be helpful to see the closed issues that were assigned to a specific user. By specifying the --state parameter with the value “closed” and the --assignee parameter with the user’s username, you can filter out only the closed issues assigned to that user.


  • hub issue: This subcommand lists issues.
  • --state closed: This argument filters the issues based on their state, in this case, closed.
  • --assignee username: This argument filters the issues based on the assignee’s username.
  • --limit 10: This argument limits the number of issues displayed to 10.

Example output:

1. Issue title: Implement feature X
   Issue number: #123
   Labels: enhancement
   State: closed
   Assignee: john-doe

2. Issue title: Fix issue Y
   Issue number: #124
   Labels: bug
   State: closed
   Assignee: john-doe



The hub issue command provides efficient ways to manage and interact with Github issues directly from the command line. With its various options and parameters, it allows you to filter, display, and view detailed information about specific issues, making it a valuable tool for issue tracking and collaboration on Github projects.

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