How to use the command hunspell (with examples)

How to use the command hunspell (with examples)

Hunspell is a spell checking software that allows users to check the spelling of words in a file. It is an open-source spell checker used by programs like LibreOffice and Mozilla Firefox. With hunspell, users can check the spelling of a file, specify a dictionary, and list misspelled words.

Use case 1: Check the spelling of a file


hunspell path/to/file


Checking the spelling of a file is essential to ensure that the content is free of spelling errors. By using hunspell, users can easily identify and correct any misspelled words in the file.


  • hunspell: The command itself.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file that you want to check the spelling of.

Example output:

& The spelling of the file "path/to/file" has been checked.
& No misspelled words found.

Use case 2: Check the spelling of a file with the en_US dictionary


hunspell -d en_US path/to/file


By specifying a dictionary, users can check the spelling of a file using a specific language. This is useful when working with multilingual files or when you want to check the spelling against a specific dictionary.


  • hunspell: The command itself.
  • -d en_US: The -d flag is used to specify the dictionary to be used for checking the spelling. In this case, it is set to the en_US dictionary, which is the English dictionary.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file that you want to check the spelling of.

Example output:

& The spelling of the file "path/to/file" has been checked with the en_US dictionary.
& No misspelled words found.

Use case 3: List misspelled words in a file


hunspell -l path/to/file


Listing misspelled words allows users to quickly identify the words that need to be corrected. This can be helpful when proofreading a document or when you need to fix spelling errors in a large file or document.


  • hunspell: The command itself.
  • -l: The -l flag is used to list the misspelled words in the file.
  • path/to/file: The path to the file that you want to check the spelling of.

Example output:

& The misspelled words in the file "path/to/file" are:
- occurence
- speeling
- speling


The hunspell command is a powerful spell checking tool that allows users to easily check the spelling of a file, specify a dictionary, and list misspelled words. By using this command, users can ensure that their content is free of spelling errors and make necessary corrections.

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