How to use the command "husky" (with examples)

How to use the command "husky" (with examples)

Husky is a tool that simplifies working with Git hooks. Git hooks are scripts that run automatically in response to certain actions in Git, such as committing or pushing changes. Husky provides a straightforward way to install, configure, and manage Git hooks within a project.

Use case 1: Install Husky in the current directory


husky install

Motivation: Installing Husky in the current directory allows you to start using Git hooks immediately within your project. By running this command, Husky will create a .husky directory in your project and populate it with the necessary files to manage your hooks.

Explanation: The husky install command initializes Husky and creates the required file structure within the current directory. It sets up the necessary scripts and configuration files for managing Git hooks.

Example output:

husky > Setting up Git hooks
husky > Created .husky/pre-commit
husky > Created .husky/pre-push
husky > Husky installed successfully

Use case 2: Install Husky into a specific directory


husky install path/to/directory

Motivation: Installing Husky into a specific directory is useful when you want to set up Git hooks for a specific project or repository stored in a different location than the current working directory.

Explanation: The husky install command with a specific directory path as an argument initializes Husky and creates the required file structure within the specified directory. It sets up the necessary scripts and configuration files to manage Git hooks for that particular directory.

Example output:

husky > Setting up Git hooks in path/to/directory
husky > Created path/to/directory/.husky/pre-commit
husky > Created path/to/directory/.husky/pre-push
husky > Husky installed successfully in path/to/directory

Use case 3: Set a specific command as a pre-push hook for Git


husky set .husky/pre-push "command command_arguments"

Motivation: Setting a specific command as a pre-push hook allows you to enforce code quality checks, run tests, or perform any other necessary actions before pushing code to a remote repository. This helps prevent erroneous or incomplete code from being pushed.

Explanation: The husky set command with the .husky/pre-push file path as the first argument sets the specified command as the pre-push Git hook. The command and its arguments should be provided as a string enclosed in double quotes.

Example output:

husky > Setting pre-push Git hook
husky > Pre-push Git hook set to "command command_arguments"

Use case 4: Add a specific command to the current pre-commit hook


husky add .husky/pre-commit "command command_arguments"

Motivation: Adding a specific command to the pre-commit hook allows you to perform actions such as code linting, formatting, or running additional tests before committing changes. This helps maintain code quality and consistency within your project.

Explanation: The husky add command with the .husky/pre-commit file path as the first argument adds the specified command to the existing pre-commit Git hook. The command and its arguments should be provided as a string enclosed in double quotes.

Example output:

husky > Adding command to pre-commit Git hook
husky > Command "command command_arguments" added to pre-commit Git hook

Use case 5: Uninstall Husky hooks from the current directory


husky uninstall

Motivation: Uninstalling Husky hooks from the current directory is useful when you no longer want to use Husky or when you want to remove Git hooks from a specific project.

Explanation: The husky uninstall command removes all Husky hooks from the current directory. It deletes the .husky directory and removes any references to Git hooks in the project.

Example output:

husky > Removing Husky hooks from the current directory
husky > Husky uninstalled successfully

Use case 6: Display help



Motivation: Displaying help provides a quick reference to the available commands and options provided by Husky. It can be useful when you want to learn more about specific commands or need a reminder of available features.

Explanation: Running the husky command without any arguments displays the help information for Husky. It provides details about the available commands and their usage.

Example output:

Native Git hooks made easy.
More information: <>.

Usage: husky [command] [args...]

  install                   Install Husky locally
  set <file> [command]       Set command for <file>
  add <file> [command]       Add command to existing <file>
  uninstall                 Uninstall Husky

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]


Husky is a powerful tool for managing Git hooks within a project. These use cases demonstrate how to install Husky, set up specific command hooks, add commands to existing hooks, uninstall Husky, and access the help information. By leveraging Husky, you can ensure code quality, enforce development standards, and streamline your Git workflow.

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